News & Updates

By Larry BrownNational Secretary-TreasurerNational Union of Public and General EmployeesCanadian governments have made our public health care and other social programs very vulnerable to attack by private for profit companies outside of Canada. They have done that by signing trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Weve known that for years î º and for years weve...

BC Health Coalition calls on British Columbians to vote for federal candidates who support public solutions to health care challenges. The BC Health Coalition is calling on voters to elect federal candidates who will commit to standing up in support of Medicare and oppose the growth of for-profit health care. -Citizens are clearly concerned about health care in this province,"...

Join the BC Health Coalition for... The Big Issue: Debating the Future of Canadian Health Care. A Vancouver Centre Federal All-Candidates Forum Tuesday September 23, 2008. 1:00pm - 3:00pm. 411 Seniors Centre, 3rd Floor: 411 Dunsmuir @ Homer in Vancouver. Co-sponsored by the BC Health Coalition, Women Elders in Action and the 411 Seniors Centre For More Information: 604-681-7945 To...

Call for delegatesTo celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 21, the Committee on Equality and Social Action is calling on members to apply for support to attend the Remembrance Day Teach-In being developed by the World Peace Forum Society. Ninety Years After -The War to End All Wars" will take place at the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver...

An election campaign is no time to discuss serious issues: that famous line from the 1993 federal election seemed, to a large extent, the main truth of the first week of the 2008 federal election campaign. Watching the reports from the hustings, Canadian working families are, with reason, asking themselves the most political question of all: whats in it for...

The 2008 annual Run for the Cure, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's most important fundraiser, is Sunday October 5. HSA has supported the run for the past 11 years, and as a gold-level sponsor encourages HSA members and others to join the HSA team to Run for the Cure October 5. This year in B.C., the run will be held...

HSA regional meetingThursday, October 23, 20088:30 a.m. ...4:00 p.m.Hyatt Regency Vancouver-Regency E & F"655 Burrard StreetVancouver, BC Regional meetings are an excellent forum for HSA members to review the issues and activities of the past year, and discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The meeting will be chaired by your Region 4 & 6 Directors, Agnes Jackman and...

You are invited to: Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the CureHSA Chapter Meeting at VGH Date: Friday, September 12, 20081:30 pm to 4:00 pm At: Paetzold Multipurpose Rooms 1&2Jim Pattison Pavilion, 1st floorRefreshments, drinksRun RegistrationRun Information, fundraising, prizesBreast Cancer AwarenessDoor Prizes BCNU, HEU and HSA members are welcome! Download PDF

- Fall 2008 Steward Training Level 1 - Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the stewards role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these areas, HSA is offering a 3-day Steward Training ... Level 1 workshop at the HSA office this fall: Dates...

HSA regional meetingMonday, October 20, 20088:30 a.m. ...4:00 p.m.Hilton Vancouver Metrotown-Waterford 1 & 2"6083 McKay AvenueBurnaby, BC Regional meetings are an excellent forum for HSA members to review the issues and activities of the past year, and discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The meeting will be chaired by your Region5 Director, Kimball Finigan and HSA president Reid...