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The Supreme Court of Canada issued a landmark decision today, declaring sections of Bill 29 unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ruled that sections of the Bill amounted to -substantial interference with the unions ability to engage in collective bargaining." In the ruling, the Court throws out sections of Bill 29 and gives the provincial government 12 months to rectify the violations...

HSAs Committee for Equality and Social Action is encouraging members to help raise awareness about National Aboriginal Day, a day first proclaimed in 1996 as an annual occasion to recognize the diverse cultures and outstanding contributions to Canada of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis. This years sticker features the logo of the Sisters in Spirit project, which works to...

Many HSA members have questions about their rights and obligations in the event of a flood or other emergency. Click \"read more\" for a copy of HSA's Q&A on this topic which will appear in next month's issue of The Report.

The Report: June / July 2007 vol.28 num.3 I work at a hospital that is subject to flooding if the river risestoo high. My manager has told me that in the event of a flood, I may berelocated for my job. Can my employer do that? The River Forecast Centre of British Columbia has predicted thatspring runoff could be higher...

The Report: June / July 2007 vol.28 num.3 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN s technology alters the shape of health care at an ever-quickeningpace, its not hard to overlook the moment when a skilled health carejob evolves into a fully-fledged health science profession.That moment happened long ago for cardiology technologists, says Jennifer Travers, a cardiology technologist at Powell River General Hospital. Travers...

The Report: June / July 2007 vol.28 num.3by LAURA BUSHEIKIN ngela Bernaldez laughs good-naturedly when shes asked what, exactly,an orthoptist does. Clearly, she is used to meeting people who have noidea what this specialized profession is about.Bernaldez, who works at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, is one of approximately 150 orthoptists in Canada, and one of only two employed by...

The Report: June / July 2007 vol.28 num.3 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN ntonieta Xavier wants to talk about her injured right hand. Not to complain, even though the doctors say it is permanently damaged. Nor to brag, even though she successfully persevered with a challenging WCB claim, eventually winning on an appeal. No, Xavier, a community mental health worker with the...

A recent Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision makes it more difficult for Community Living BC (CLBC) to dismantle the group home model and de-unionize the community living sub-sector community social services sector. On May 18 the LRB dismissed an application filed by CLBC requesting the LRB to issue a declaratory opinion on the definition of "family home provider" under the...

The BC Summer Institute for Union Women offers an intensive week of learning within a supportive environment where union women can develop skills as workers, activists and leaders. The Institute will be held at the University of Victoria in beautiful Victoria, BC. The Institute celebrates the solidarity of union women across boundaries of age, race and nation. It is designed...

The Vancouver Women's Health Collective will mark May 28, the International Day of Action for Women's Health, with a "Conversation on Women's Health." Participants will discuss women's health issues, including the determinants of health such as housing and livable incomes. The women-only event will be held at Heritage Hall (3102 Main St. Vancouver). The day begins at 9:45 a.m. and...