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The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by CINDY STEWART Over the next few months, you will notice some exciting changes to The Report.Some of these changes are evident in this issue, and other will be phased in over time.They are all a part of our attempt to provide HSA members with a better qualitypublication that is relevant to...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1by YUKIE KURAHASHI Shes worked the ugliest job at the pulp mill. She was the second-everfemale ice-maker in BC. Shes survived abuse, learned her rights, and won a case onappeal for a 25-year-old sexual assault. Andrea Hill HousekeeperVictoria Women's Transition SocietyShe can fix your plumbing. Or your lights. Or help you with yourcomputer...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by JUDITH MCCORMICK / CALM Can what I choose to do off-duty have any impact on my employment? Can my employer have any say in what I choose to do on my days off? He was an avid motorcyclist. She didn't pay her bills on time. He was convicted of possession of...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by RAE JOHNSON Today HSA stewards are facing ever-increasing difficulties in fulfilling theirsteward roles in the face of workload pressures on the job exacerbated by staffingcutbacks and lack of relief. With many employers embarking on restructuring efforts, stewards havean increased role on Labour Adjustment and other committees. Safety Stewards are learning and...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by RICK LAMPSHIRE The expiry of the Health Master Agreements does not occur until March 31, 2001.The Paramedical Professionals, the Nurses and the Community Health Support Agreements areopen as of that date. We then have an opportunity to address the money we make and workissues of concern to us. Its important that...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 The HSA Board of Directors meets regularly to addressarising and ongoing issues, and to make policy and governing decisions on behalf of HSAmembers. The HSA Board approved the proposals from consultant Bobbi Noble toupdate HSAs policy and procedures manual. The Board approved the use of $15,000 forthis project. Chris Marioni, Sonographer and...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by REID JOHNSON In the spring of this year, the provincial Minister of Health, the Honourable PennyPriddy, announced to the HSA Convention that the Ministry of Health had added $615 millionnew dollars to the health budget for British Columbia.This revelation was welcome news to those members of HSA whose employers are funded...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by RACHEL NOTLEY & YUKIE KURAHASHI HSA currently enjoys the privilege of having over 200 members who volunteer torepresent their fellow members by advocating for a safe and healthy workplace. At the same time, however, we also have over 20 facilities that do not currently havesafety stewards. This role is critical, and...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by JUDITH MCCORMICK / CALM My employer plays favourites. She also discriminates between workers. Is she allowed to do this? Equality before the law. Thats the idea of something called "the rule of law", which means that a peasant is supposed to be treated the same as the lord. In modern times...

The Report: November / December 1999 vol.20 num.4 by MAUREEN WHELAN HSA has joined with the College of Psychiatric Nurses of BC, the Union of PsychiatricNurses and the Ministry of Health to produce two brochures on psychiatric nursing. This was a new role for the union to play as historically HSA does not involve itself inareas usually covered by the...