News & Updates

HSA members throughout the province who are running for office or working in BC’s upcoming local government elections may apply for financial support from HSA’s Political Action Fund as follows: 1. Members who are candidates may apply for up to 10 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to cover approved personal expenses incurred to run for office. 2...

HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 I am deeply honoured to have been elected your president at HSA's 43rd convention in April. I've been a member of this union for 31 years, and I've served at every level – as an activist, steward, a committee member, a director on the board, as vice-president and most recently as president, appointed under the constitution...

HSA will hold information meetings for Biomedical Engineering Technonologists (BMETs) this week and next to update members on the implementation of the 37.5 hour work-week and the introduction of evening shifts. The meetings are scheduled as follows. Members are invited to attend any of the three meetings. VANCOUVER: Thursday, June 26 6 – 8 p.m. Holiday Inn (Ballroom East), 711...

HSA REPORT, jUNE 2014 Over 300 delegates from around the province gathered in April to vote overwhelmingly in favour of continuing the fight to defend public health care, the work of the Committee on Equality and Social Action, and to work to protect and improve services for patients and clients who count on the health care and community social services...

HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 Laura Dupont understands that her community of Port Coquitlam is all about people and families, and this is motivating her to run for the first time in this fall's municipal election. "Raising a family and spending over a decade volunteering with various groups in the community has kept me involved in my city, says Dupont. "People...

HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 "We need to be the BC Federation of Labour – not the Downtown Vancouver Federation of Labour." That's how Jim Sinclair, BC Fed President, opened The fourth BC Federation of Labour Regional Conference was held June 6-7 in Kimberley. He was remembering the words of a delegate to the convention that saw the Federation move from...

BC's labour leaders have issued a statement of solidarity with BC’s teachers, who started full-scale strike action across the province today, and are organizing a solidarity rally for Thursday, June 19. Teachers are holding strong against the BC Liberal government’s assault on our public education system. We need to send a clear message to Christy Clark and the BC Liberals...

HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 The BC Supreme Court has ruled that a group of public health care supporters that includes the BC Health Coalition and Canadian Doctors for Medicare, may submit expert evidence in a BC case that is attempting to destroy Canada's Medicare system. Dr. Brian Day and his for-profit clinics began a legal attack on Medicare in 2009...

HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 On May 1st, a group of 20 HSA members from around the province and from a range of professions spent the day in Victoria. Meeting with key decision makers in the areas of health care, community social services, skills training, job creation and advanced education, they raised HSA's profile and discussed issues of importance to members...

RPNS Nicole McIntosh and Genelle Sandberg were on hand to promote HSA's work. HSA REPORT, JUNE 2014 HSA and its members played a big role in a recent event hosted by the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC. The CRPNBC's annual education day, held in Coquitlam this year, focussed on the various forms of trauma affecting psychiatric nurses and...