News & Updates

The B.C. Federation of Labour will hold a candlelight vigil in memory of three farmworkers who were killed in an overloaded and unsafe van in 2007. Date: Sunday, March 4, 2012 Time: 3:00 pm Location: Abbotsford Civic Plaza32315 South Fraser WayAbbotsford, BC Sarbjit Kaur Sidhu, Amarjit Bal and Sukhvinder Kaur Punia were killed on the morning of March 7, 2007...

As therapists, counsellors, youth workers, and in many other professions, HSA members regularly work at schools across BC. Members of the BC Teachers Federation will withdraw services next week as part of their legal strike in their efforts for free collective bargaining for a new contract. However, the withdrawal of services does not mean that there will be a picket...

Frontline community social service workers and agencies help build safe, healthy, and caring communities across BC. During difficult periods, or when a crisis arises, community-based social services are available to help individuals and families deal with life's challenges.But chronic underfunding to BC's community social service agencies over the past decade has resulted in cuts to vital programs and services and...

Next Monday, March 5, teachers across British Columbia will begin a legal three-day full-scale withdrawal of services, as permitted under the Labour Relations Board interim essential services order. At 6:00 a.m. today, the BCTF issued notice of the escalation to the BC Public School Employers Association. This step follows a province-wide vote conducted February 28 and 29, 2012, in which...

Bending over microscopes, scanning with an ultrasound transducer, positioning patients, entering patient data: health and community social service professionals are at high risk of repetitive strain injuries. On February 29 -- Repetitive Strain Injury Awareness Day ... HSA encourages you to assess your work station and environment, as well as your daily work flow and workload. Are you taking your...

The BC Liberal government still has the ability to prevent a crisis in our public education system; withdraw Bill 22 and return to the bargaining table without condition and with the help of a professional mediator. See full statement from BC Federation of Labour officers.

HSA is proud to support Pink Shirt Day in BC on February 29, and encourages members to show our solidarity by wearing pink on Wednesday. The Pink Shirt Day initiative, originating in support for bullied youth, has grown to encompass concerns regarding violence in society as a whole. In particular, awareness is growing about bullying in workplaces. HSA advocates for...

Bargaining for a new collective agreement for BCs 17,000 health science professionals got underway today in Vancouver. HSA is the lead union in the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association. (HSPBA) -Health science professionals are looking for fairness and respect: fair, respectful, and meaningful collective bargaining; and fair recognition of the role health science professionals play in the modern health care...

On Thursday, February 23, Education Minister George Abbott announced he was instructing his staff to unilaterally draft legislation that would impose a contract on BCs teachers. This legislation is expected as early as Monday. Premier Clark claims that there is a crisis, that there is no way forward, and that legislation will end the dispute and restore normalcy to our...

The Tyee Years at bottom of public sector pay built anger, a strike is likely, say union leaders. By Tom Sandborn, Rally in Victoria last spring: CUPE BC community social service workers sent message of resolve to BC Liberals in May. Community social services workers earn so little that one out of three "have to take extra jobs to...