News & Updates

Talks between the unions representing BC's community based social services workers and the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) have broken off a little more than a week away from Christmas. The lost yearThe collective agreement expired at the end of March this year. All terms and conditions ... except the employment security provisions ... continue to be in effect...

The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) is conducting a national study to identify issues of concern to health science professionals trained at community colleges. One of the goals of the project, which has been funded by Health Canada, is to develop policy recommendations on how best to address recruitment and retention issues for these health science professions.The Association is...

HSAs 2011 Annual Convention will include an election for the position of President, a full-time position that carries a two-year term. All members in good standing are eligible to run for President when nominated in writing by six members. Nominations for President are open until the final call for nominations takes place on the last day of convention Saturday, April...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions. Directors meet, on average, every six weeks and take an active leadership role in representing the union. They receive wage replacement for the time they spend in...

HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2011 HSA Convention, to be held April 7, 8, & 9, 2011 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver. Conventions are the unions annual meeting where chapters from around the province determine the future direction of the union. Policies, actions, constitutional amendments, structural changes are all discussed and debated at convention. Members...

The next HSA Annual Convention will take place April 7-9, 2011 at the Westin Bayshore Hotel in Vancouver. All HSA members are welcome to attend and speak at the convention. However, only delegates have the right to vote. For chapters with 49 or fewer members, the HSA chief steward is the sole delegate. If the chief steward is not attending...

HSA members who work at CML Healthcare on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland have voted to accept a new contract providing significant gains. The ratification votes were held last week. For highlights of the agreement, see the November 23, 2010 bulletin. Printer-friendly version.

By Anne DavisHSA member and transition house workerThe call comes late at night. A woman is weeping; she says she has been beaten. Its not the first time and the attacks are more brutal each time. She is hurting and scared and doesnt know what to do. She thought her children were sleeping but now she knows the oldest child...

The Report: December 2010 vol.31 num.6 How are HSA members jobs being affected by the amalgamation? In total, approximately 80 positions throughout the Lower Mainland have been affected. The restructuring will result in an overall reduction of 40 supervisory positions. In addition, the opening of the Surrey Outpatient Centre will result in 30 new positions. The Employer is pursuing the...

The Report: December 2010 vol.31 num.6 HSA NEGOTIATES AGREEMENT ALLOWING SIGNIFICANT CHANGES WITHOUT LAYOFFS EARLIER THIS YEAR, when Lower Mainland health authorities announced their intentions to consolidate medical imaging services, the potential for signficant layoffs and disruption in patient services was a major concern. -We wanted to protect our members and maintain quality services for our patients," said HSA President...