News & Updates

The Steven Harper Conservatives funding cuts and backtracking on previous policy commitments are a clear sign that the federal Conservative government is abandoning working women says B.C. Federation of Labour Secretary-Treasurer, Angela Schira. Last week, the federal government announced a 38.5 percent funding cut to Status of Women Canada. Just this week, Conservative Beverley Oda, Minister Responsible for the Status...

HSA members from across British Columbia participated in this year's CIBC Run for the Cure -- the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's most important fundraising event of the year. An estimated $1.4 million was raised in Vancouver alone.HSA is a silver-level sponsor of the event, and was represented at each of 10 run sites across B.C., supplying pink ribbon tattoos to...

This fall, Vancouver Public Library's Speak Up series explores privatization. How public services are defined and delivered is an ongoing controversy with important policy implications concerns. The outcome of these discussions will affect the living standards of everyone in British Columbia. Health care and privatization will be on the agenda October 11 and October 24. For information, see Speak Up...

HSA members are invited to attend the official opening for the TELUS Tour for the Cure in West Vancouver on Wednesday, October 4th at 11:00 a.m. at Park Royal Shopping Centre.The TELUS Tour for the Cure is an informative and interactive exhibit that will travel to communities across British Columbia over the next eight months to promote the value and...

This month, BC Finance Minister Carole Taylor released the government's first quarterly report for the current fiscal period. In releasing the information, she rang alarm bells, saying that health spending is out of control. Is it really? Columnist Will McMartin takes a closer look at the numbers in The Tyee, an online news magazine and debunks the myth that health...

As HSA's Team Captain for the 2006 Run for the Cure, I encourage you to support this year's CIBC Run for the Cure, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's most important fundraiser of the year. Runs are being held across British Columbia, and even if there isn't a run in your community, you can help the fight against breast cancer by...

Ottawa - The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) joins the Canadian Health Coalition (CHC) in welcoming the latest progress report on a National Pharmaceutical Strategy (NPS), compiled by provincial health ministers. The strategy should work to improve pharmaceutical management and help offset the impact of catastrophic drug costs for Canadians. NUPGE president James Clancy says it's a...

Please check out the variety of courses offered by the Capilano College Labour Studies Program for the Fall of 2006 The instructors and staff are members of unions in British Columbias public sector. In 2005, the Labour Studies program celebrated its 30th anniversary of developing, promoting and offering union education. Participant feedback indicates these courses provide valuable information, and are...

HSA members are invited to attend the official opening for the TELUS Tour for the Cure in Vancouver on Saturday, September 23rd at 11:00 a.m. at Oakridge Centre.The TELUS Tour for the Cure is an informative and interactive exhibit that will travel to communities across British Columbia over the next eight months to promote the value and importance of breast...

HSA members are invited to attend the official opening for the TELUS Tour for the Cure in Burnaby on Monday, September 18th at 11:10 a.m. at Metropolis at Metrotown.The TELUS Tour for the Cure is an informative and interactive exhibit that will travel to communities across British Columbia over the next eight months to promote the value and importance of...