News & Updates

HSA Supervisors! You are invited to an HSA Supervisors in the Union Workshop Date: January 29-30, 2018 Time: 9 am to 4:30 am (breakfast served at 8:30 am) Location: Health Sciences Association of BC - Head Office, 2nd floor Training room 180 East Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC Summary: HSA is unique in terms of the number of supervisors who...

To register for this workshop please go to WHEN Jan 31, 20188:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast9:00 am - 5:00 pm Workshop Where HSA Training room AGENDA8:30 am - 12 pmPsychological Health and SafetyMany workplaces where HSA members work are required to implement the CSA Standard on Psychosocially Healthy and Safe Workplaces. Others will do so willingly or because...

Please go to to register for this Workshop When Dec 11, 20178:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast9:00 am - 5:00 pm Workshop Where HSA Training room AGENDA8:30 am - 12 pmPsychological Health and SafetyMany workplaces where HSA members work are required to implement the CSA Standard on Psychosocially Healthy and Safe Workplaces. Others will do so willingly or because...

HSA Basic Steward/OH&S Training Dates 2018 Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Basic Steward Training Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, SEPTEMBER 2017 HSA'S newest ad shines a light on the professions delivering mental health care in BC. The 30-second spot, airing on TV, Facebook and YouTube between October 23 and November 19, is an emotional story that helps the public, the media and members of the new government recognize the important role of key HSA professions working...

HSA has contracted with Viewpoints Research to conduct a survey to find out more about member priorities related to contract negotiations, workload, member communications and other current issues. The survey will be conducted on line. Members will receive email invitations starting October 2, and the survey will be open until October 28. It takes 8-12 minutes to complete. Your participation...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, SEPTEMBER 2017 A random survey conducted last fall found that 75 per cent of members are concened that workload is negatively impacting patient care. Over the course of 2016, HSA consulted thousands of members in several surveys. Over 5000 members completed a short survey on workload. Another 1400 completed a comprehensive survey. A futher 2500 were randomly...

HSA Report Magazine, September 2017 Last fall, HSA's mobilizing team brought together a small group of HSA members who wanted to do something more. The Member Engagement Team, as it came to be known, drew individuals from a range of professions. They spent a lot of time in a room full of white boards, sketching out ideas and eating terrible...

REPORT MAGAZINE, SEPTEMBER 2017 BY VAL AVERY, PRESIDENT, HSA Months of uncertainty ended July 9. That's when an historic agreement between the NDP and Green Party of BC created a governing coalition that could hold a majority of seats in the BC Legislature, and bring down the minority BC Liberal government that had been hanging on since the May election...