News & Updates

The BC Nurses' Union has withdrawn its application to raid registered psychiatric nurses working at Vernon Jubilee Hospital. After RPN members of HSA had expressed a number of concerns about tactics being used by organizers from the Nurses' Union, HSA filed an unfair labour practice complaint with the BC Labour Relations Board. The LRB has ruled that the Nurses' Union...

To celebrate Canadian Nursing Week, May 8 to 14, Health Sciences Association has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association to offer a new workshop specifically for HSA Registered Psychiatric Nurses. Join us at the HSA head office in New Westminster, BC on Thursday, May 11 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm for this two-part workshop: Working Together to Address Workplace...

HSA members and their family and friends are invited to attend the Countdown to a Better BC with John Horgan rally this Sunday. Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Place: Commodore Ballroom - 868 Granville St, Vancouver The NDP are gearing up to defeat Christy Clark and elect John Horgan as Premier. Join them downtown...

April 1, 2017 marked the day that the new Joint Health Science Benefits Trust took over stewardship of members’ health and welfare benefits, including Long Term Disability. The move from an employer-controlled fund to a jointly trusteed fund with equal representation from unions and employers was negotiated in 2014 Health Science Professionals contract bargaining. While the change was seamless, members...

Physiotherapist Val Avery was re-elected to serve as HSA president for another two years at the union’s annual convention in Vancouver over the weekend. More than 300 delegates attended the convention.“I’ve been active in the labour movement for over 30 years and let me tell you I have never once stopped being amazed at the skill, dedication and passion of...

On December 14, 2016 the Workers Compensation Board of Directors approved changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. These changes seek to improve Joint Health and Safety Committee (JOSH) involvement in workplace safety and empower worker representatives in investigations and recommendations for improvement in health and safety. Effective today, April 3, 2017, the following changes will be in full...

John Christopherson has been elected to serve a two-year term as a member of HSA’s Board of Directors, representing HSA members in Region 5 from several worksites, including Children’s and Women’s Hospital, Vancouver and Fraser Valley Cancer Centres, Sunny Hill Health Centre, Open Door Group, and the Centre for Ability. Christopherson is a counsellor at BC Cancer Agency in Vancouver...

Jas Giddha has been elected to serve a two-year term as a member of HSA’s Board of Directors, representing HSA members in Region 7 from several worksites, including Surrey Memorial, Peace Arch, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack Hospitals, and the Fraser Valley Centre for Child Development. Giddha is a medical radiation technologist at Surrey Memorial and Peace Arch Hospital, and has been...

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of BC dismissed an application from the BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU) for judicial review related to their failed raid application on Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs) at Royal Inland Hospital in 2014. In a judicial review, a Supreme Court judge reviews the decision that has been made by an administrative tribunal, in this case the Labour Relations...

The Health Sciences Association has partnered with Organize BC to host their interactive two-day core organizer training on March 18 & 19. We have a limited number of no-cost spaces for HSA members to attend. This training is designed for members interested in grassroots engagement in their union activism and social change work. More information on the training curriculum is...