News & Updates

HSA is aware that the BC Nurses Union is soliciting HSA members to apply for more than 1,500 nursing jobs announced jointly with the provincial government last week. The jobs are to replace the use of casual nurses and overtime to address staffing challenges in nursing across the province. While HSA has advocated for the creation of positions in the...

Occupational health and safety is important to HSA members. Safety stewards and representatives on joint OH&S committees play a vital role in promoting a safe work environment and preventing injuries. HSA is offering the following OH&S workshop in Victoria for stewards and representatives on joint occupational health and safety committees in Regions 1 & 2. This workshop is participatory and...

Occupational health and safety is important to HSA members. Safety stewards and representatives on joint OH&S committees play a vital role in promoting a safe work environment and preventing injuries. HSA is offering the following OH&S workshops in the New Westminster office. These workshops are participatory and discussion-oriented, providing an opportunity to examine examples from your own workplace. Registration is...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions. The Board of Directors meets quarterly, and directors take an active leadership role in representing the union. They receive wage replacement at their regular rate of pay...

The Community Social Services Labour Adjustment and Education Fund Committee is calling for new applications from members working in the community social services sector. Applicants must: be a union member covered by at least one of the Community Social Services Collective Agreements, i.e. Aboriginal Services, General Services, or Community Living Services; have successfully completed their probation period; have been aid...

This week, the provincial and territorial health ministers are meeting in Vancouver. This is the first time the Health Ministers have met since a new federal government was elected last year. It is an important opportunity to ask the Health Ministers to "put the heart back in health care" so that our public system stays public and improves to serve...

HSA lawyers Tonie Beharrell and Randy Noonan and HEU’s Kaity Cooper appeared in the Supreme Court of Canada today to challenge the decision of the BC Supreme Court and BC Court of Appeal to overturn a decision of the BC Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal (WCAT). The WCAT had recognized three cases of breast cancer contracted at Mission Memorial Hospital as...

Educational Objective: To explore the issue of social justice and some of the efforts HSA and its partners are undertaking to bring about just conditions both locally and globally. Target Audience: All members interested in social justice. Workshop Goals: Provide a history of HSA’s Committee on Equality and Social Action (CESA Committee) Understand what social justice means for HSA/union members...

HSA, on behalf of the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), has now concluded negotiations for a labour adjustment plan with PHSA . This labour adjustment plan will address the implementation of the PHSA laboratory technical leadership redesign in the most supportive and respectful manner for our laboratory technologists. Lab stewards and members have done an exemplary job at articulating...

…Therefore be it resolved HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2016 HSA Convention May 6 & 7, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. The Convention Plenary will begin on May 5 at 1:00 pm. Convention is the union's annual meeting where chapter representatives from around the province determine the union's future direction. Policies, actions, constitutional amendments...