News & Updates

VANCOUVER – CUPE 873-03 served 72-hour strike notice to SN Transport yesterday after attempts to reach a first collective agreement failed. The union represents 115 workers who provide patient transfer services in the Lower Mainland. “From the moment this group of workers joined CUPE and we started bargaining their first agreement, the employer has resisted and used foot dragging tactics,”...

In February, Provincial Health Services Authority served Section 54 notice informing the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association that it intended to introduce a change to Lower Mainland pathology and laboratory services. This change would affect the terms, conditions or security of employment of a significant number of health science professional bargaining unit employees. Over the past four months HSPBA and...

The Canadian Labour Congress is kicking off the labour movement's initiative to engage members in issues that will be important to working people in the upcoming federal election. Issues like health care, child care, retirement security and the creation of good, family-supporting jobs. This fall we'll elect a new government, and you can be a part of it. Join the...

Are you a woman considering running for elected office, or working in a key position in a future election campaign? If so, then the Canadian Women Voters Congress Women’s Campaign School is for you. Dates: June 12 to June 14, 2015Location: Victoria, BCThe Canadian Women Voters Congress is a nonpartisan, grass roots organization, dedicated to encouraging Canadian women to become...

Physiotherapist Val Avery was re-elected to serve as HSA president at a convention attended by over 300 delegates from around BC. “HSA is the union that has the ability to do great things,” Avery told delegates. “Our membership is comprised of highly educated, thoughtful, and articulate professionals. With the support and expertise of our staff we can take on challenges...

The BC Labour Relations Board has ruled that workers and patients were put at risk by dangerous tactics used by BC Nurses' Union (BCNU) organizers in December. The BCNU organizers were attempting to convince registered psychiatric nurses to leave their union, Health Sciences Association of BC. "The BCNU has demonstrated once again that they are more interested in increasing their...

Every year, thousands of Canadians are killed or injured on the job or die from work-related diseases. Yet, this is something few of us think about when we mark our ballots at election time. This year, Canadians have an opportunity to elect a new federal government. Let's make sure that the people we vote for will go to Parliament and...

This is an update for all BC Cancer Agency members with outstanding 37.5 hour work week grievances, and follows up on the bulletin we sent out to you on February 10. In February we told you that the employer was prepared to negotiate a resolution to the outstanding 37.5 hour grievances at the BC Cancer Agency, and that we were...

June 23-27, 2015 Reed College campus, Portland, Oregon Fighting for a Fair Future The Summer Institute for Union Women (SIUW) is a 4-day residential school designed to empower women as leaders in the labour movement through participatory education and community-building. See the University of Oregon website for more details. The Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women (SIUW) offers an...

Under the terms of the collective agreements, a general wage increase of 1 per cent for all members covered by the Health Science Professionals (HSPBA), Community Social Services (CSSBA), and Community Health Services and Support (CBA) contracts takes effect the first pay period after April 1, 2015. A majority of employers have the first full pay period as April 11...