Region 4 Director

The Region 4 Director is Alexandra Thomson, who assumed office at the end of HSA's 2022 convention. Alexandra was elected to represent Region 4 and was acclaimed to continue in the position in March 2024.   

A smiling white woman with long blonde hair, wearing a dark blue patterned blouse.

Alexandra is a neurophysiology technologist and the Assistant Lead Steward at Vancouver General Hospital. She served on the HSA Core Member Engagement Team and the Bargaining Prioritization Committee. She has a Bachelor of Science in Biopsychology/Behavioural Neuroscience from UBC, a Diploma of Technology with distinction from BCIT, and is currently pursuing a Master of Health Studies at Athabasca University.

Alexandra has a variety of volunteer experience including building a medical clinic in Costa Rica, caring for animals at the Richmond Animal Protection Society, coaching field hockey, and teaching children through the Science of Sport program. She has supported Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and Court Appointed Special Advocates through fundraising efforts with Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity including a fashion show and dodgeball tournament. Alex was a facilitator and executive board member for a non-profit organization called the Kaleidoscope, which focuses on supporting the mental health of university students. She is passionate about community service and helping others.

Her term of office will last until the end of HSA’s 2026 convention.

E-mail: Region 4 Regional Director

* Email accounts are supported by HSA staff to ensure timely responses to a high volume of member inquiries. Please contact HSA if you would like to send a private message directly to a Regional Director.