Community social services

HSA joins other unions across Canada today in recognizing the dedication and professionalism of the workers in community living group homes and day programs, shelters, and supported housing; sexual assault centres, transition houses, and victims' services; infant development programs and child care centres; and the diverse array of programs that provide counselling, rehabilitation, recreation, employment training, outreach, advocacy and referral...

The week of November 19, HSA will hold bargaining proposal conferences related to the four public sector contracts under which members work. Local union meetings are being held for members to discuss proposals for consideration at the conferences, which will set the direction for bargaining new collective agreements. The contracts all expire March 31, 2014. In addition to local proposal...

Services for vulnerable families may be cut across B.C. following the government's failure to provide bridge funding for a 1.5 per cent wage increase that was negotiated for frontline workers earlier this year, the Community Social Services Bargaining Association says. Family service workers provide vital community-based social programs for vulnerable children, struggling youth and families across British Columbia. Community living...

The Community Social Services Bargaining Association, the multi-union bargaining association that represents community social services workers, is working to ensure that all community social service workers receive the wage increase they are entitled to as of April 1, 2013 without any cuts to agency programs or services. The bargaining association learned that a small number of employers are not paying...

On April 28, workers and their families are invited to pay tribute to those who have been injured or killed on the job, or stricken with occupational disease. Every day in Canada, three workers are killed on the job and 685 workers suffer work-related injuries or occupational diseases. Last year in British Columbia, 181 workers died as a result of...

Community social service workers have voted in favour of a two-year contract that provides a wage increase while protecting health and welfare benefits. Community Living workers ratified the tentative agreement by 71 percent. General Services ratified by 84 percent. The weighted average ratification vote for both sectors was 76 percent. HSA represents almost 800 community social services workers covered by...

More than 300 HSA union activists welcomed delegates from new certification: Whistler Health Centre. "Welcome to the family!" Delegates to HSA’s 42nd annual convention this weekend re-elected Reid Johnson as president, and debated resolutions that continue building the founding principles of the union. In his report to delegates, President Reid Johnson called on activists to continue their determined efforts to...

To follow HSA Convention news as it happens, visit our Facebook page Members of the Health Sciences Association, the union delivering modern health care that represents health sciences professionals who deliver diagnosis, treatment and recovery in BCs hospitals and communities, is meeting this weekend at its 42nd annual convention in Vancouver. Over the course of the next two days members...

THE REPORT: APRIL 2013 BY REID JOHNSON PRESIDENT, HSA As The Report magazine went to press, our community social service members were just voting on their tentative agreement. But for most members, another hard round of bargaining has come to an end. I'm proud of the new agreements. Are they perfect? No. But in this bargaining climate, with the government...

Community social service professionals represented by HSA are invited to participate in a joint multi-union bargaining association telephone town hall scheduled for next week. Telephone town hall meeting details: Thursday, March 21 at 7pm PST To join the call, simply answer your personal phone, and you will be connected. Please ensure HSA has your personal / home phone number by...