
The federal budget will increase income inequality, decrease the quality of life for Canadians and slow economic recovery. Ottawa (29 March 2012) - The Harper government's budget fails the Fairness Test [1]because it will increase income inequality and make life harder for vulnerable Canadians, said James Clancy, National President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)."Income inequality...

In a short bargaining session at the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association bargaining table this week, the union bargaining association tabled anti-bullying language to address issues in the workplace.-The unions presented language that helps improve personal safety for health science professionals at work," said HSPBA chief negotiator Jeanne Meyers.-The pace at the bargaining table has been very slow. There has...

OTTAWA ... The President of the Canadian Labour Congress says the federal budget tabled on March 29 has failed Canadians by destroying valuable public services and jobs and attacking pensions. -The government could have used this budget to help struggling middle class and working Canadians," Georgetti says, -but it chose to not to do so."Georgetti says the government has borrowed...

On March 31, 2012, the Community Social Services Matter campaign is organizing a walk in Victoria in support of community social services, and to raise awareness about the vital role these services play in our communities. Details: Saturday, March 31, 2012Centennial Square, VictoriaStart Time: 11:00 amWrap up BBQ: 12 noon WILL YOU JOIN US?Community social services include everything from child...

The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) exchanged their opening proposals during the first round of contract talks, which began February 27.Over the course of the two week bargaining session, which concluded on March 16, unions and the employer laid the groundwork for future talks with a discussion of each partys issues...

A recent article in The Report contained incomplete information about tax deductions. The potential for deducting for LTD premiums only applies if you are on an accepted LTD claim. A member who is on an accepted LTD claim may be able to claim on their tax returns for LTD premiums they have previously paid. Whether they are eligible to do...

HSA members have reconfirmed that concessions on extended and dental benefits are not negotiable. After learning that government appears to be set to propose to save money by getting health care workers to pay for some of their health and dental benefits, HSA conducted an informal telephone survey of members on the weekend to alert members to this pending proposal...

Talks at the Health Science Professionals bargaining table today opened with an announcement from the Health Employers Association of BC that the plan to roll back the temporary market adjustment for pharmacists has been rescinded.HSA President Reid Johnson applauded the efforts of hospital pharmacists across the province who spoke out against the 9 to 14 per cent wage rollback planned...

-Unions worked together to secure our right to free collective bargaining, and well work together to defend that right." Sinclair warned the BC Liberal government that Bill 22 wasnt just an attack on the rights of teachers, but also on the right to free collective bargaining. -Christy Clark has a choice, she can withdraw Bill 22, and join teachers, trustees...

HSA members who are able to attend are encouraged to support striking teachers at a rally Wednesday, March 7. Date: Wednesday, March 7 Time: 2 p.m. Place: Vancouver Art Gallery (Hornby & Georgia) The following speakers will be featured at the rally: Susan Lambert, BCTF Jane Bouey, former COPE school trustee Irene Lanzinger, BCFED Gwen Giesbrecht, parent Debbie Pawluk, VSTA...