
A new HSA TV ad will reach people living in every community in the province over the next month. The new ad, launched this week, will be run alongside the memorable HSA TV ad debuted last fall.-Were building on the success of last years TV campaign," said HSA President Reid Johnson. -For the first time in our history, HSA is...

The one-time,$6 million in new funding announced today for Community Living BC (CLBC) is inadequate to stem the crisis in support and funding faced by the families of adults with developmental disabilities, says the BC Community Living Action Group (BCCLAG). The six million dollars will provide support for a total 123 adults with developmental disabilities for one year, based on...

With the Health Services and Support Community contract set to expire March 31, 2012, planning is underway to prepare bargaining priorities to present at the bargaining table. HSA stewards will be setting chapter meetings to be held by October 6, 2011 to discuss and develop bargaining proposals. All HSA members covered by the Health Services and Support Community collective agreement...

HSA has launched a province-wide ad campaign celebrating our members dedication to finding a cure both in their professions and at Run for the Cure events on October 2. -Our membership has always been incredibly dedicated to fighting breast cancer," says HSA President Reid Johnson. -They split their efforts between their professional work and volunteer events like Run for the...

HSAs board of directors has voted to recommend members vote ‘yes in favour of the tentative collective agreement reached last month between the Community Social Services Union Bargaining Association of the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA). The tentative agreement was supported unanimously by the multi-union bargaining committee, and was reached without third-party involvement for the first time in the...

The BC Community Living Action Group (BC‐CLAG) strongly urges Premier Christy Clark to act immediately to approve $70 million in new provincial funding to stem the provinces growing community living crisis. A BC‐CLAG analysis of Community Living BC (CLBC) projections shows that at least $70 million is needed immediately to address the existing support backlog. Each year, hundreds of youths...

The Health Sciences Association has learned that Interior Health Authority is planning a major reorganization of laboratory services in the region, and is condemning the Authoritys failure to consult the union when members jobs and service to patients are to be affected. August 25, HSA learned that Interior Health Authority plans to reorganize laboratory services and that supervisory duties will...

Members concerned about requirements for on call and call back work are encouraged to participate in a series of meetings in the Lower Mainland hosted by HSA over the next few weeks. Many health science professionals have expressed concern that they have dangerously little rest between shifts because they are required to be on call and work call-backs. As part...

Statement from the BC Federation of Labour on the passing of Jack Layton.

Members iin the Lower Mainland who are concerned about requirements for on call and call back work are encouraged to participate in discipline-specific conference calls starting tonight, Monday Augus 22 at 7 p.m., for members who work in CT. Call in numbers Toll free 1.877.385.4099 Local 604.899.2339 Participant access code 58180 Conference calls for other disciplines are scheduled as follows...