
The schedule for the 2010 HSA regional meetings, an excellent forum for HSA members to review the issues and activities of the past year, and to discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, has been set by the unions board of directors. Watch your HSA bulletin board, or the HSA website at www.hsabc.org for details about registration in your...

Bargaining for a new contract for health science professionals continued this week in Richmond, with the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) tabling a number of proposals aimed at protecting quality public health care. -British Columbians depend on a quality public health care system for their good health. It is incumbent upon all parties at the bargaining table to get...

October 25 and 26, 2010, Hilton Vancouver Airport Hotel This conference is designed for experienced safety stewards and advocates increase awareness on key issues related to safe working conditions for all members. Learn more about topics such as: • An update on violence prevention initiatives.• The relationship between worker and patient/client safety.• Information technology to support OHS programs and initiatives.•...

Join hotel workers across North America in a historic protest against global hotel corporations. In 14 cities, including Vancouver, hotel workers will be demonstrating their unity and their determination to fight for respect in an industry dominated by wealthy multinational companies that continue cutting jobs and trying to squeeze more from workers. The protest on July 22 targets the Hyatt...

The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association tabled proposals today at the bargaining table aimed at protecting and improving quality public health care in hospitals and communities across the province. Two key proposals address continued problems health authorities have in keeping and recruiting the health science professionals critical to the modern health care team. -We know, and employers know, that without...

This week, the Community Social Services Employers Association requested that the unions rescind all monetary proposals. The unions have not yet responded to this request. The employers are still insisting on the provincial governments ‘zero financial mandate. Both sides are scheduled to meet seven more days through the end of the month.The union bargaining committee remains committed to achieving meaningful...

Trade Unionists from all over the world are gathering in Vancouver to attend the congress of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).The CLC and the ITUC invite all trade Unionists and supporters to a Rally on World Public Services Day and on the eve of G20. Theme: Now the People: from the crisis to global justiceDate: Wednesday, 23 JuneTime: 12:30...

On Tuesday, the union bargaining committee for community social services workers met with the employers group to discuss proposals tabled in May. The Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) tabled a concessionary package offering no monetary gains. Josef Rieder represents HSA at the bargaining table, with HSA bargaining team chair Lynn Kelsey. -CSSEA says the Liberal government is forcing them...

This June marks the 75th anniversary of the On to Ottawa Trek, when 1,000 young unemployed men climbed atop railway boxcars to take their plea for work and wages to the federal government. In 1935, unemployed workers were being forced into relief camps, and made to perform labour under military-style discipline -- for 20 cents a day. When workers finally...

The Vancouver and District Labour Council women's committee presents a panel discussion on economic justice for women Wednesday June 2. The panel will feature Adrienne Montani from First Call and the Living Wage Campaign, Jocelyn Vergabera from the Phillipine Women's Centre, and a representative from UNITE HERE Local 40. The panel will be held as follows: Wednesday, June 27 -...