
Families are planning rallies in the coming weeks to fight the cut in funding for autism services for children. HSA President Reid Johnson will join the Kelowna rally Sunday October 18 at 11 a.m. Date: Sunday, October 18th Time: 11 am - 1 pm Place: Kerry Park/The Sails (downtown Kelowna on Bernard Avenue) If you would like to help with...

Two upcoming workshops highlight the importance of labour activists engagement in working towards peace, economic justice, and international solidarity. SATURDAY OCTOBER 17TH 20099:30 am ... 3:30 pmMaritime Labour Centre1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver Join union members and representatives from local, provincial and national union international solidarity committees to share experiences and discuss new strategies for international solidarity work. This workshop-style forum...

A resolution* calling for immediate government action to prevent the growth of for-profit medical clinics is on the agenda at this weeks Union of BC Municipalities Convention being held in Vancouver."I brought forward this resolution because I think that public health care in Canada is one of our most precious assets. As stewards of our communities, municipalities and the UBCM...

The Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA) today released a report by an environmental health expert that recommends a high standard of personal protective equipment use by health care workers to minimize the spread of the deadly H1N1 virus. HSA and its national union, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), commissioned the study by John Murphy of...

USW members of Local 2009 are fighting for a fair collective agreement with Compass Canada. The members are amongst the lowest paid workers in the health care sector and are fighting for equality with other workers doing the same work. Compass is not negotiating with the union at this time and need the support of their colleagues at Royal Columbian...

Notice to HSA members of the Health Science Professional Bargaining Association: From February 2008 to date, the HSPBA Bill 29 Education Fund has provided bursaries to more than 600 HSA members, supporting education ranging from one-day professional development courses to Masters and PhD programs. This funding arose out of the unions negotiated settlement flowing from the Supreme Court of Canada...

USW members of Local 2009 are fighting for a fair collectiveagreement with Compass Canada. The members areamongst the lowest paid workers in the health care sectorand are fighting for equality with other workers doing thesame work. Compass is not negotiating with the union at this time and need the support of their colleagues at Surrey Memorial Hospital to achieve a...

The World Health Organization has declared a world H1N1 flu pandemic. It is uncertain how serious this pandemic will be in terms of how many people infected will be severely affected. However, because H1N1 is a new virus, many people may have little or no immunity against it, and illness may be more severe and widespread as a result. In...

British Columbia's Ambulance Paramedics - members of CUPE Local 873 - are still fighting for a fair contract.Please join them tomorrow - Friday, September 18 - for a march and rally in Richmond, BC and show your support for their struggle with the Campbell government.Marchers will assemble on the Elmbridge Way sidewalk at the north side of the Sheraton Airport...

Kimball Finigan (radiation therapist, representing Region 5 on HSA's board of directors) chats with representatives from the Centre for Ability in Vancouver.Representatives to this year's regional meetings will also elect delegates to HSA's health science professionals' bargaining proposal conference, to be held November 8-10. Click here for more information and a full schedule of regional meetings around the province.