
Community social service workers say wages, benefits and strengthening resources for social services top their demands for a new contract. -We are serious about reaching an agreement that addresses all the issues, and hope that the employers are serious about wanting to reach a settlement," said Chris Mullen, Chief Spokesperson for the Union Bargaining Association (UBA). Download full text as...

On January 23, HSA members will head to the polls to elect a new federal government. The Members of Parliament we elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide. HSA urges members to examine the positions of the parties on these issues, and to vote for candidates who will support...

Labour Arbitrator Donald Munroe has ruled that regular part-time employees covered by the Paramedical Professional collective agreement in the Interior Health Authority (IHA) are entitled to sick leave for shifts scheduled outside their regular part-time schedule.HSA filed a grievance in February 2005 after the IHA issued a directive saying regular part time employees who missed shifts outside their regular schedule...

HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. We will be awarding ten scholarships for full-time studies; ten bursaries for full-time studies; five bursaries for part-time studies and two aboriginal scholarships. The criteria and details are set out on the application forms. To obtain a copy please download the applications below or contact your chief steward...

REGIONAL DIRECTOR ELECTIONS A reminder that Regions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are holding elections for Regional Director. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their names forward for nomination. Regional Directors sit on the union's Board of Directors. They meet ten times per year and take an active leadership role in the union's committees. To...

The HSA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Maureen Headley as Executive Director ... Legal.Headley will oversee services to members, including Labour Relations Board and arbitration matters, Workers' Compensation Board claims, Occupational Health and Safety issues, Long Term Disability claims and Classifications matters.Headley has been a union-side labour lawyer in private practice for the past 13...

In the last federal election, more than a third of Canadians eligible to vote didn't. It was the worst voter turnout in Canada's history. HSA urges members to help reverse this trend. Your vote does make a difference - and the Members of Parliament you elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that...

BL10090 Biomedical Engineering Technologists who maintain specialized hospital equipment at acute care hospitals across the province will continue to be represented by HSA, according to a review panel of the Labour Relations Board.The Biomedical Engineering Technologists were designated as paramedical professionals last year, and moved into the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association collective agreement. At that time, the Labour Relations Board...

HSA is a component of NUPGE. Application deadline for all NUPGE Scholarships is June 30, 2006. Tommy Douglas Scholarship - $1,500 OPEN TO all students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post secondary education institution full-time in 2006-2007 and who are the children of, or foster children of, a National Union of Public and General...

HSA is offering the following courses: 2006 Steward Training Level 1 (3-day workshops): January 30, 31 and February 1, 2006 (deadline for registration is January 9, 2006) February 13, 14, and 15, 2006 (deadline for registration is January 23, 2006) February 27, 28 and March 1, 2006 (deadline for registration is February 6, 2006 Pre-Registration Form - 2006 Steward Training...