
BL10081 With the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association contract set to expire March 31, 2006, planning is underway to prepare HSA's priorities to present at the bargaining table. Delegates to the January 23 to 25, 2006 Bargaining Proposal Conference will set the bargaining priorities based on proposals submitted by HSA members at local chapter meetings. Delegates from each region were elected...

BL10080The Bargaining Proposal Conference for members covered by the Community Social Services collective agreement has been re-scheduled from Wednesday, November 16, 2005 to Thursday, November 24, 2005. The conference will be held in Burnaby, location to be announced.In order to prepare for the Bargaining Proposal Conference, you must hold a Chapter meeting to identify bargaining issues and to elect your...

HSA members who are running for municipal office, or working on campaigns to elect candidates for local government positions, can apply to HSA for the following financial support from HSAs Political Action Fund: Members who are candidates can apply for up to 5 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to cover approved personal expenses incurred to run for...

HSA offered three one-day workshops this fall: Dates: Saturday October 29, 2005 Vancouver, HSA Office FULL Saturday November 5, 2005 Kelowna, Coast Capri CANCELLED Saturday November 19, 2005 Nanaimo, Bastion Inn HSA members who work in a supervisory capacity still have the opportunity to attend a workshop in Nanaimo. Supervisors have particular concerns and needs and sometimes feel caught in...

As you know, all workers have a right to a safe work environment. Surveys consistently indicate that HSA members care about and are willing to become involved in health and safety issues. Unions have a significant role to play ensuring that our workplaces are safe. HSA takes a leadership role in the promotion of workplace safety through health and safety...

BL10078With the Heath Services and Support Community contract set to expire March 31, 2006, planning is underway to prepare bargaining priorities to present at the bargaining table.HSA stewards will be setting chapter meetings to be held by November 4, 2005 to discuss and develop bargaining proposals. All HSA members covered by the Health Services and Support Community collective agreement are...

BL10077Preparations for bargaining for a new Health Services and Support Community Collective Agreement will begin this month.All chapters where HSA members are covered by this collective agreement will hold meetings before November 4, 2005 to set priorities for bargaining in 2006. Please contact your chief steward for information about your chapters bargaining proposal meeting.HSAs Board of Directors is also seeking...

Last night, teachers across the province voted overwhelmingly to take a stand against Bill 12, the Liberal act aimed at ending the limited job action undertaken by the B.C. Teachers Federation to put pressure on government to negotiate a collective agreement. The legislation, which is still being debated in the Legislature, rolls over the current collective agreement to June 30...

BL10075Solidarity is more than making donations. Personal contact and relationships between people from the north and the south can be as important as money.Are you interested in learning first hand about the projects HSA supports in Central America? Would you like to see for yourself the reality for the majority of the population in Central America? Are you ready for...

HSA President Cindy Stewart joined other union leaders at a rally in Vancouver to support HEU and BCGEU members who are on strike for a first collective agreement with Sodexho. The 1,100 workers have been on strike since Sept. 15. The majority of the dietary, cleaning and other support services workers are paid $10.15 per hour. -We know the valuable...