
HSA's Board of Directors announces the resignation of President Reid Johnson effective today, September 11, 2013. As provided under the union's constitution, vice president Val Avery, a physiotherapist at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, steps in as the new president. An election will be held at the union's April 2014 annual convention. First elected as president in April 2007, Johnson...

RPN members have expressed concern that an upcoming round of votes ordered by the Labour Relations Board will result in HSA members becoming members of another union. This is not the case. The votes will not involve RPNs, and to date, the Labour Relations Board has not given any indication that its decision will have any bearing on HSA's right...

HSA members at Paragon Orthotic Lab in Victoria, a manufacturer of custom footwear orthotics, have voted unanimously in favour of accepting a four-year collective agreement. Highlights of the agreement include wage increases equal to the cost of living, or a minimum of 2 per cent, in the third and fourth years of the agreement, in addition to increased benefit coverage...

HSA members throughout the province who are running for office or working in upcoming municipal by-elections may apply to HSA for financial support from HSA's Political Action Fund. Municipal, Board of Education and Regional District elections 1. Members who are candidates in a civic election may apply for up to 5 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to...

A policy grievance arbitration over the unprecedented Influenza Control Program Policy introduced by the Health Employers' Association of BC (HEABC) last August will open tomorrow in Vancouver. In October 2012 the Health Sciences Association of BC, on behalf of the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), filed a policy grievance calling for the withdrawal of the province-wide flu shot policy...

Fall 2013 Basic Steward Training Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these areas, HSA is offering a 3-day Basic Steward Training workshop at the HSA office this fall: Dates: November 25 – 27, 2013...

2013 OH&S Basic Steward Training HSA is offering the following 2-day OH&S steward training workshops at the HSA office: Basic OH&S Steward Training dates: Registration closes: October 17 & 18, 2013 October 2, 2013 October 28 & 29, 2013 October 14, 2013 Occupational health and safety issues are very important to HSA members, and OH&S stewards play a vital role...

Ottawa (21 June 2011) - The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is pleased to encourage all members to join with Aboriginal Peoples and Canadians across the country in celebrating National Aboriginal Day on June 21. National Aboriginal Day is marked each year on the same date to honour the achievements of Aboriginal Peoples in all areas, including...

IF MOM CAN'T AFFORD A WHEELCHAIR, SHOULD SHE JUST STAY IN BED? Imagine if you or your loved one were living in a care facility and were unable to get out of your room and go down the hall to the dining room because you can't afford to buy or rent a wheelchair. Fraser and Vancouver Coastal health authorities want...

Health Science Professional members of HSA are reminded that changes to extended health benefits coverage took effect on June 1st with the implementation of PharmaCare Tie-In. As part of these changes, all HSP members should by now have received a BlueNet card. The BlueNet card direct-pay of eligible prescriptions when picking them up at the pharmacy instead of paying up...