2000: News Archive

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by JUDITH MCCORMICK / CALM Can what I choose to do off-duty have any impact on my employment? Can my employer have any say in what I choose to do on my days off? He was an avid motorcyclist. She didn't pay her bills on time. He was convicted of possession of...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by RAE JOHNSON Today HSA stewards are facing ever-increasing difficulties in fulfilling theirsteward roles in the face of workload pressures on the job exacerbated by staffingcutbacks and lack of relief. With many employers embarking on restructuring efforts, stewards havean increased role on Labour Adjustment and other committees. Safety Stewards are learning and...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 by RICK LAMPSHIRE The expiry of the Health Master Agreements does not occur until March 31, 2001.The Paramedical Professionals, the Nurses and the Community Health Support Agreements areopen as of that date. We then have an opportunity to address the money we make and workissues of concern to us. Its important that...

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1 The HSA Board of Directors meets regularly to addressarising and ongoing issues, and to make policy and governing decisions on behalf of HSAmembers. The HSA Board approved the proposals from consultant Bobbi Noble toupdate HSAs policy and procedures manual. The Board approved the use of $15,000 forthis project. Chris Marioni, Sonographer and...