2002: News Archive

The Report: July / August 2002 vol.23 num.3 by CINDY STEWART ince the provincial government began its overhaul of our health care system, health care unions and advocacy groups have been anticipating a massive privatization of services. View HSA's submission to the provincial lab review When the government introduced legislation allowing for contracting out of health care services, HSA worked...

The Report: July / August 2002 vol.23 num.3 n May 6, 2002, trustees of the HSA Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan #2 approved an increase in the payroll deduction that HSA members pay to fund the plan. The payroll deduction is increasing from 1.75 per cent of earnings to 2.25 per cent of regular earnings. The rate increase is effective...

The Report: July / August 2002 vol.23 num.3 Youth counsellor fears for youths he young people Katrina Kiefer works with are at risk in any number of ways. For many of them, Kiefer and the alternate school program she leads have offered the last chance to remain in the education system and begin building a successful life. Katrina Kiefer Youth...

The Report: July / August 2002 vol.23 num.3 Seth Klein, the BC Director of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, recently spoke to the Canadian College of Health Care Executives, BC Lower Mainland Chapter about health care policy in British Columbia. In his presentation, he outlined the weaknesses in the government’s reform approaches. The following are some excerpts from his...

The Report: July / August 2002 vol.23 num.3 ision. Values. Voice. It was the theme of the Health Sciences Association's 31st annual convention held in Burnaby April 11 to 13. And HSA members opened the convention with strong voices. Members from around the province told delegates about the work they have been doing in their communities. Tricia Moore, a medical...

EB02.11 OH&S Stewards who wish to take a basic occupational health and safety course before the fall, are encouraged to consider taking one of the following courses being offered in May and June: 1 - HSA's Basic OH&S Steward course This 2 day course will be offered at HSA's Vancouver office June 17 & 18, 2002. HSA pays the costs...

EB02.10 HSA is offering a basic OH&S steward workshop on June 17 and 18, 2002. Occupational health and safety issues are very important to HSA members. OH&S Stewards have a vital role in promoting a safe work environment and helping to prevent injuries. These workshops will be participatory and discussion oriented. We urge you to bring examples from your workplace...

It was all show and no tell at the government's long-awaited announcement on the future of health care in British Columbia.In a carefully stage-managed news conference held in downtown Vancouver today, the Liberal government unveiled its vision for the future of health services in the province. Chief Executive Officers and chairs of the province's six health authorities were summoned to...

The Report: April / May 2002 vol.23 num.2 by JEANNE MEYERS hen the provincial government introduced Bill 29, the legislation that dramatically changes the way health care is delivered in the public system, health care unions knew we had our work cut out for us. Bill 29 robs health care workers of basic negotiated protections. These include contracting-out provisions negotiated...