Fall HSA Regional Meetings to Include Election of Members-at-Large and Delegates to November Conference Preparing for 2025 HSPBA Bargaining

The dates have been set for HSA’s 2024 annual regional meetings, which include elections for members-at-large and delegates to the November 5-8 Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) Bargaining Proposal Conference.

Annual regional meetings are a forum for HSA activists and members to connect with other members in their region, and to get caught up on the union’s work.

HSA President Kane Tse will report out on the priorities and activities of the Board of Directors. Updates on labour relations issues and other union activities will be provided, with lots of opportunity for discussion about the issues important to HSA stewards, activists, and other members.

All members are welcome to participate in regional meetings, but only designated and elected delegates receive wage replacement to take time off from work to participate. Each HSA chapter is entitled to at least one delegate to participate with voice and vote in the regional meeting.

Regional directors and members-at-large are automatic delegates to the regional meetings. Lead stewards are also automatically delegates. If the lead steward is unable to attend, an assistant, general, or site steward may be designated by the lead steward to participate.

Additional delegates must be elected at local chapter meetings. Details about the number of delegates entitled to represent a chapter at the regional meetings are now available on the HSA portal for stewards.

Chapter meetings are already being scheduled to elect delegates to the regional meetings. Members interested in participating in their regional meeting as a delegate should watch for an announcement about elections at their worksites.

In addition to sharing information and discussing issues important to HSA members, elections will be held to elect members-at-large in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. members-at-large are important members of the union’s governance structure and have opportunities to meet people from around the province, while getting to know the union better. members-at-large take office at the conclusion of the following year’s annual convention (i.e., April 2025).

Each region elects two to four members-at-large, plus two alternates. The role of the member-at-large is strictly a governance one. Members-at-large have a leadership role in the union and they are encouraged to participate in solidarity events with other unions and allies. Any wages lost due to taking time off work, childcare costs, and travel expenses related to committee meetings or other approved HSA business are covered by the union.

Please watch your email for details on local chapter meetings to elect delegates to the regional meetings. The schedule of regional meetings is here.
