HSA president election - watch for voting information in the mail

2025 marks the first time in HSA’s history that all members in good standing are eligible to vote for the union’s president.
The election will be conducted through a secure online vote administered by Simply Voting, an election management platform used by HSA for elections and ratification votes.

  • Voting will be open for a 24-hour period from 12:00 noon (PST) on April 10, 2025 to 12:00 noon (PST) on April 11, 2025.

The election will be by ranked ballot, with voters indicating their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and subsequent choices on the ballot.
You will need voting credentials – a unique ID number and code – to log in to the online vote. These voting credentials will be provided to all members as follows:

  • By postal mail -- Voting credentials are being mailed to all HSA members who have provided the union with a postal mailing address. Members can expect these credentials to arrive in the next two weeks. Keep this information in a safe place, and then use the credentials to log in and vote when the election is open from noon on April 10 to noon on April 11.
  • By email -- If you would like to receive your voting credentials by email you can register online and your credentials will be sent to you by email. Posters with QR code linking to this registration page are being printed and mailed to all stewards for posting and distribution at worksites to improve member awareness of the election and make it easier to register to receive voting credentials. Registration for email credentials will close at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
  • If you are not sure if the union has the correct postal or email address for you, register online before April 2 and your credentials will be sent to you by email.
  • If you request email credentials, be sure to add Simply Voting to your safe senders list to ensure your voting instructions are not caught in your spam filter. All emails related to the vote will originate from @email and from one of the following domains: simplyvoting.com or o3.email.simplyvoting.com


  • April 2 at 11:59 pm – this is the deadline to request your voting credentials by email
  • April 9 – this is the deadline for nomination of candidates
  • April 10 at noon – this is when the 24-hour online voting period opens
  • April 11 at noon – this is when the online voting period ends.

Nominations for president close on April 9, 2025. All candidates will have an opportunity to address HSA 2025 convention delegates on Thursday, April 10 before voting opens. If you are not a convention delegate you can tune in to watch the candidates’ statements by registering for a link to a livestream of the convention on HSA’s events registration system.
You can learn more about the election of HSA’s president, and watch a recording of an all-candidates meeting held March 4, at Health Sciences Association | Presidential Election 2025
