Presidential Election 2025
Nominations are now open for the position of HSA President, to be elected in April 2025 in an online vote open to all HSA members.
There are five candidates for HSA President in an election to be held online next month: Sarah Kooner, Matt Wenman, Don Mabon, Kane Tse, and Kevin Towhey.
Four candidates were nominated by the February 7, 2025 deadline to have their statements published on the HSA website, which you can read by clicking on the candidate’s name below:

Thank you for considering me for the role of President of HSA. Throughout my time with HSA (as Steward, Lead Steward, Member-at-Large, and Regional Director and through participating with the Political-Action, Governance-and-Policy, Elections, and Resolutions Committee), I’ve demonstrated my ability to empathize with members, recognize multiple sides of presented issues, and contribute to solutions. Working in a busy facility delivering front-line care, I have firsthand experience with the challenges our members face around shortages and pressures of bedside practice.
As HSA President, I will utilize the knowledge and experience I’ve gained through advocacy, lobbying (provincially/federally), and government relations work as I work to meet our shared needs at negotiation tables. Having run in our last provincial election, I have important experience and have cultivated relationships that are vital to standing up for public healthcare, patients/clients, and our workers. I plan to:
- Strengthen collective bargaining power to secure better wages, benefits, professional-development opportunities, and working conditions. Our wages must reflect cost of living and complexity/uniqueness of HSA members’ work and education/training.
- Address concerns around our classifications system by creating avenues for members to provide feedback and work collaboratively to find practical, effective solutions that build off existing foundation.
- Amplify lobbying efforts and work with governments to improve healthcare work.
- Work transparently so members are confident in our efforts while enhancing communication channels, keeping members informed/engaged.
I understand that our collective agreement received varying responses and will not dismiss the concerns about its presentation and rollout. As President, I understand I will need to deliver unpopular messages; my leadership style and my promise is that I won’t shy away from conflict, I’ll be transparent, open to feedback, and prepared to work with you to build a stronger union and public voice for healthcare.
My hands-on approach involves seeking forward-thinking, long-term solutions that reflect the various occupations within HSA. My work, education, and direct involvement with our members on front-lines give me a unique, informed outlook of members’ experiences.
I stand alongside you in my work, and I will stand up for you as President. I bring a fresh perspective and eagerness to work alongside you. In my work, community involvement, and our union, I focus on transparency and honesty as core tenets of my leadership; I kindly ask for your trust in me as HSA President, and for your vote on April 10, 2025.
Sarah Kooner

Dear HSA members:
I have worked with Island Health since 2014 with roles at both Royal Jubilee Hospital and the Victoria Health Unit. As a union steward since 2019, I played a key role in negotiating our department's 24.09 Agreement and have supported members with various issues, from vacation time to displacement. This 2025 convention will be the 5th that I have attended. My partner and our three children reside in Victoria.
I am compelled to offer my candidacy for HSA union president after the shocking discovery that HSA had signed a recent settlement agreement permitting private agency workers to do the same job for substantially more pay. This Trojan Horse settlement agreement has seen one agency physiotherapist at RJH, balloon to three within months. It is alarming to think that this trend may continue, and one must ask: when will higher-paid agency staff replace your profession’s positions?
Perhaps the only positive aspect to this settlement agreement has been the revelation of what market wage and incentives are required to solve our short staffing and related workload issues. The numbers are staggering: agency wages up to 30 percent higher and housing bonuses up to 5000 dollars a month, resulting in total remuneration of up to 70 percent higher!
When you consider that HSA wages over the last 35 years have increased by approximately 144 percent1, whereas housing costs have increased by more than 600 percent2 and the cost of a loaf of bread by 233 percent3, you can see how we have failed to ensure our remuneration keeps up to the true cost of living in BC. It should come as no surprise then that our employer has to resort to higher paid agency staff to fill positions.
This union needs to return to its core mandate: it needs to ensure higher and equitable remuneration for all its members through a demonstrated willingness to take job action. The contracting out of public services would be unnecessary if member remuneration was equitable and market driven.
Fellow HSA members, I respectfully request your vote to pursue this agenda.
In Solidarity,
Matt Wenman, MPT, BSc.
1. Compare HSA April 1, 1989 - March 31 1992 Master Agreement with current.
2. Home in Vancouver in 1990 was $230,000 and 1,600,000 in 2024. (REBGV)
3. Bread in Canada in 1990 was $0.75 and $2.50 in 2024. Refer to Stats Canada and Canada Bread Price Index.

To all HSA members.
My name is Don Mabon, from Victoria and have made it home most of my life. I am a Medical Laboratory Technologist at Island Health and HSA member for over 21 years and have been a General Steward at Royal Jubilee Hospital for the past 2.5 years.
We hear words like united, standing together, and solidarity from our union. However, I feel these foundations along with honest transparency and communication have eroded over recent years. Reclassification is a recent and perfect example. This was the catalyst in pursuing candidacy as President of our union. A message of victory continues to be delivered from the union, but I have seen how morally destructive it has been for so many. It is not modernized and does not recognize our professions and the specialized skills of each. This lit a fire inside of me and it became clear that the time to act and influence change was now.
I acknowledge that HSA has made some progress addressing the ongoing issues unique to each profession and work site. Issues that I am committed to hearing, learning from, and addressing. However, I strongly believe there needs to be a fresh perspective and new ideas in presenting these issues to Government and the public. We need stronger marketing in bringing them to the forefront of healthcare so that all have an appreciation of how dire the situation is. I will work with union staff to promote more powerful and emotional representation of our professions through new campaigns delivered on the most relevant platforms.
With a new Government now in place, it is important to build and foster healthy working relationships to facilitate the mandates they have, including incorporating an active role for Health Science Professionals in designing and implementing healthcare solutions. If elected, I promise to ensure that the Government hears our concerns and communicates these to HEABC and the Health Authorities.
It is also important to deliver an objective view when presenting information to membership. Any bias can be misleading to the uninformed member and could steer the vote in one direction or the other. I believe this happened with our last contract ratification. Unfortunately, some members I spoke with afterward thought a no vote meant a strike vote. The union is there for you, and I will promote this if elected.
Thank you.

It is my honour to seek your vote for the President of HSA. I am proud of the work that we have done together in the past 4 years, and there is always more to do. HSA must continue to focus on higher wages, better working conditions and workplaces that ensure equal opportunity and access for all its members.
From acute care, cancer centres or child development centres, at counselling centres, transition homes and long-term care; our role as healthcare and community social services professionals is a vital part of providing care to all British Columbians. We face mounting pressures; at work, we are forced to provide more services with fewer resources, and then after hours we must deal with insurmountable increases in the cost of living.
Over the past 4 years, I have worked to structure our union to tackle these challenges. As HSA grows, I’ve continued to learn and adopt your feedback to make HSA stronger. We’ve achieved some of the highest pay increases over the past 20 years; we’ve distributed funds to members for professional development, college and licensing fees; we’ve incorporated new voices onto the Board to develop cohesive leadership; we’ve increased opportunities to hear from you through member engagement teams, steward networking workshops, equity caucuses and other online forums and tools like social media, texting and online videos. We’ve implemented one-member, one-vote to give you a choice for your next president. We’ve sought your input to develop the next 5-year strategic plan; ensuring that your union incorporates members’ voices in all of its planning and decision-making.
Increasing the voice and recognition of HSA at provincial and national levels is another way I’ve worked to address our issues. From Victoria to Ottawa, I have been working to increase HSA’s profile with the government; because we know that the healthcare human resource crisis doesn’t just impact BC, with other provinces competing for healthcare workers to fill their shortages. It’s a nationwide issue and I aim to make HSA a leading voice nationally within our national union, NUPGE, to lobby for the federal dollars needed to tackle our issues.
Join me to build a stronger union and get the recognition we deserve. Re-elect Kane on April 10. Visit my campaign website for more information: http://kanetse.ca
Voting Information
The election of President will be conducted in a secure on-line vote open for a 24-hour period from 12:00 pm Pacific time on April 10, 2025 to 12:00 pm Pacific time on April 11, 2025. The election will be by ranked ballot, with voters indicating their 1st, 2nd, 3rd and subsequent choices on the ballot.
Voting credentials have been mailed to every member with a postal mailing address on file with HSA. Keep this information in a safe place. You will need it to log in to vote in the election for HSA President from noon, April 10 to noon, April 11.
Want to learn more about how a ranked ballot works? Check out this video explainer:
This marks the first time in HSA’s history that all members in good standing are eligible to vote for the president. Members do not have to be a convention delegate to vote for president.
All-Candidates' Meeting
An all-candidates’ meeting was held online on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm Pacific time, and was recorded for the convenience of members who were not able to attend.
Position Details
The President is HSA’s senior elected officer, and oversees the union’s day-to-day operations, including staffing and budget management. The President is the union’s primary spokesperson and ensures that the policies and decisions of annual conventions and the Board of Directors are carried out.
The President is required to work in the position on a full-time basis and shall receive salary and benefits as approved by the Board of Directors and reported to the union’s annual convention. The union office is located in New Westminster, BC.
As prescribed by the union’s constitution, any HSA member in good standing is eligible to run for President when nominated in writing by six members.
Candidates for president may submit a statement of up to 400 words and a photograph for inclusion in the union’s annual report, circulated electronically to all members prior to the election at least 30 days prior to the election.
Friday, February 7, 2025 at 4:00 pm PST is the deadline for nominations for candidates wishing to have a photo and a campaign statement of no more than 400 words included in the union’s annual report and published on the HSA website.
- President Nomination Form
- Candidate Statement of Campaign Expenses
- Agreement on Use of Membership List
- Allowable Spending for Candidates Running for Office of President
- ELEC-5.11 Election of President Policy
Other Information
Members of HSA may receive email messages from candidates for the position; under HSA policy, candidates are entitled to contact HSA members by e-mail for the purpose of campaigning in the election.
- ELEC-8.01 Support for a Candidate Seeking Elected HSA Office Policy
- ELEC-5.11 Election of President Policy
Related Bulletins
- March 11, 2025: Presidential Election: Watch for Voting Information in the Mail
- February 5, 2025: Second Call for Nominations in Election of HSA President
- January 9, 2025: Nominations open for historic one-member one-vote election of HSA President