HSPBA Classifications Update: Wages and Implementation Date

Following up on our June update, here’s the latest on the transition to the new profile-based classification system. 


  • Modernization is here! The new profile-based classification system will be implemented on December 6, 2024
  • Implementation will not change your wages if, like most members, your job is matched to the P1 Working Professional profile.
  • Implementation will change the wages for jobs matched to P2AP2B, and S1 – S4 profiles – here are the wage rates.

What the heck is implementation?
Implementation means that all Health Science Professional jobs will move from being classified and paid under the old classification system (e.g. grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, etc.) to being classified and paid under the new profile-based classification system (e.g. P1, P2A, P2B, S1 to S4). Your pay increment step and anniversary date will not change as a part of this transition.
This is good news because it will mean we’ve completed the years-long work of updating the classification system to ensure that all health science professionals, in all 70+ professions, receive equitable classification recognition for the scope and level of work that they do.
If your job is matched to the P1 Working Professional profile, like the majority of HSA members, you won’t see much of a change. You’ve been paid at the new P1 rate since April 1, 2024.
If your job is matched to a different profile (P2A, P2B, or S1 – S4), the salary structure of your job will likely change. The new rates are retroactive to April 1, 2024. If your job’s new rate is higher than your current rate, you will see that increase reflected on your December 6, 2024 pay statement. Further, the employer has agreed to provide retro pay by February 28, 2025.
Some jobs in the P2A, P2B and S1 – S4 profiles will have a new wage rate that is lower than members’ current wage rates. These members will be “green circled” which means that they will continue being paid at their current rate, and receive all future general wage increases, for as long as they remain in the same position, i.e. they do not move to the new lower pay rate of their job. Affected members will receive written notification of green circling from the employer prior to implementation. 

To see the wage schedules that will come into effect at implementation, please click here

I think my job has been matched to the wrong profile
As part of preparation for implementation, job classifications have been reviewed both by staff in HSA’s classifications department and, as part of 2023’s classification review, by all members working in a regular position.
Once the new profile-based classification system is implemented this December, members who believe that their jobs have been matched to the wrong profile will be able, with assistance from their stewards, to file classification grievances to correct their profile match. 

I want to make changes to the new classification system
If you’ve discovered a part of the new classification system that you’d like to change or improve, please check your email inbox. You may already have been invited – or you soon will be invited – to a chapter meeting to discuss what changes you’d like to see to any part of the collective agreement, including the classification system.

Intimidated by the concept of collective bargaining? Please don’t be. Check out this explainer, think about what changes you’d like to see, and show up at your chapter meeting – that’s all it takes to start making change.  

More Information
To learn more about the new profile-based classification, please visit the HSA website and check out our new FAQ.

If you can’t find the answer to your question, please email redesign@hsabc.org

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