News & Updates

On June 22, HSA and union members working in medical imaging received abrupt notice that Vancouver Costal Health Authority (VCHA) would begin reversing 13 years of consolidating operations of diagnostic imaging services within the four different health authorities in the Lower Mainland. The lack of employer consultation leading up to this decision has made the situation more difficult, but HSA...

We are still hearing from CSS members that many employers are significantly behind in scheduled payment of the negotiated pay increases. The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) is continuing to push the employer to provide immediate solutions. CSSBA recently met with Community Social Services Employer’s Association (CSSEA) regarding the policy grievance on these significant issues. We were unable to...

Health Sciences Association of BC has contracted Viewpoints Research to conduct the annual survey to learn about member priorities and concerns as the union assesses ongoing issues arising from shortages, patient wait times and excessive workload. Viewpoints Research an industry leader with 30 years of experience conducting research for unions and other progressive organizations. Using an experienced third-party professional research...

HSA members working in medical imaging throughout the Lower Mainland received notice yesterday of a region-wide plan to move their services back to the original four health authorities. For the last 13 years, Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) has overseen the consolidated operations of Lower Mainland Diagnostic Imaging services within the four different health authorities in the Lower Mainland. HSA learned...

This fall, all HSA members in the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association will have the opportunity to help modernize the health care system, ensure your role in that system is clearly recognized, and confirm that you are paid for the full range of the work you do. Over 18,000 HSA members work as health science professionals in over 70 different...

SWITCH BC which stands for Safety, Wellbeing, Innovation, Training and Collaboration in Healthcare is a new organization focused on the health, safety, and wellbeing of everyone working in healthcare in B.C. Part of the work of SWITCH BC is to do a refresh of the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum, updating it and making it meaningful, effective and inclusive to healthcare...

In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn in New York City — a gathering place for young, mostly racialized members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Outside, the crowd that watched the bar’s patrons being herded into police vans became enraged. Before long, under the leadership of Marsha P. Johnson (who is said to have...

This one-day training session is for Lead Stewards and Assistant Lead Stewards. Priority access will be given to Lead and Assistant Lead Stewards that have never attended a Lead and Assistant Lead Steward workshop. As leaders in your chapter, you have some additional opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges. The goal of this workshop is to review your role in the union...

éy swayel (good day in Halq'eméylem, the Indigenous language of some parts of BC’s south coast). Each June is National Indigenous History month, a time to learn and recognize the rich heritages, stories and diversity of Indigenous peoples in Canada. As health care and social service professionals, HSA members work in a system that has historically discriminated against Indigenous peoples...

HSA continues to hear from Community Social Service Bargaining Association members who are waiting for employers to provide the wage increases and retro pay negotiated in the new contract. HSA is working through the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) to resolve this as soon as possible. CSSBA has sent notice to the Community Social Services Employer’s Association (CSSEA) regarding...