News & Updates

The Report: April / May 2003 vol.24 num.2 by PAM BUSH lmost one year after the health authorities unveiled their -health service delivery redesign plans," its clear that this really meant cuts to health services in BC. For HSA members, the most significant cuts have been reductions in acute care services, fewer choices available for seniors and the disabled, and...

The Report: April / May 2003 vol.24 num.2 by LEILA LOLUA and JANICE DAVIS ast spring, almost 100 HSA activists participated in specially-designed member mobilizing workshops.Since attending the workshop, members have continued their efforts to protect health and social services around the province. Here are some highlights: St. Michael’s Centre / Lions Gate Hospital Susan Summers (chief steward and music...

UN body condemns Campbell's Liberals for legislation trampling workers' rightsThe head of the province's labour movement today called on the BC Liberals to comply with international labour standards and stop violating the rights of thousands of public sector workers throughout British Columbia.After extensive investigation, the United Nations body charged with upholding labour standards has concluded that six laws enacted by...

Violations of workers' rights so flagrant, they warrant special attention from UN AgencyOttawa - The International Labour Organizations condemnation of the British Columbia Liberals is so sweeping that the United Nations body should visit the province and get a first hand look at how badly the province is violating UN standards, says Canadas second largest union and its BC components."The...

BL9929 The provincial Liberals have instructed the BC Workers' Compensation Board to begin dismantling the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OH&S Reg), an essential tool in building and maintaining safe and healthy workplaces. Despite the Regulation's crucial role, the provincial Liberals have instructed the WCB to eliminate one third of the OH&S Reg, as part of the government's ideologically motivated...

EB03-05 The following Occupational Health and Safety courses are being offered over the next few months. Please note that some courses are open only to OH&S Stewards who are members of their worksite's Joint OH&S Committee, while others are open to all HSA members. 1) HSA's Basic OH&S Steward course This two-day course will be offered at HSA's Vancouver office...

The following Occupational Health and Safety courses are being offered over the next few months. Please note that some courses are open only to OH&S Stewards who are members of their worksite's Joint OH&S Committee, while others are open to all HSA members. 1) HSA's Basic OH&S Steward course This two-day course will be offered at HSA's Vancouver office March...

New federal dollars welcome, but union will continue fighting for-profit careOTTAWA - Canada's second largest union warned today that Canada's First Ministers have only written the first prescription needed to protect and build the national Medicare system.James Clancy, president of the 325,000-member union, issued the warning after the Prime Minister and Premiers emerged from two days of behind closed door...

Globe and Mail ad argues that a contract-breaking B.C. premier can't be trusted with untied health dollarsShould strings be attached to increased federal health dollars to guarantee that provincial premiers like B.C's Gordon Campbell actually spend the money on health care?That's the question B.C.'s unions are asking in a Globe and Mail advertisement that runs across the country today as...

EB03-03 Spaces are still available for the Basic OH&S Steward workshop. The two-day workshop will be held at the HSA office, located at 300 - 5118 Joyce Street, Vancouver. dates: workshop 1: January 20 & 21, 2003 workshop 2: February 17 & 18, 2003 time: Monday, 9:00* am - 4:30 pm Tuesday, 9:00* am - 4:00 pm location: HSA Office...