News & Updates

During the next several weeks, HSA members in Region 2 will have an opportunity to elect their representative on the HSA Board of Directors.Nominations for the position closed on January 27th with two members declaring their candidacy: Brian Isberg, a Laboratory Technologist at Victoria General Hospital and Derrick Hoyt, a Laboratory Technologist at Royal Jubilee Hospital.In the coming weeks, all...

Health Science Professionals play an essential role in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of health care patients and they deserve a contract that recognizes their value. That's the message from members of the Health Sciences Association of BC following HSA's three-day bargaining conference in Vancouver. HSA represents 12,000 health science professionals across the province.

Talks for a new contract for 13,000 community health care workers wont resume until next week to allow negotiators for the Health Employers Association of B.C. to review the unions bargaining demands after the two sides exchanged proposals yesterday afternoon. Download full text as PDF

It took a bit of prodding at yesterdays opening session of contract talks for 13,000 community health workers, including 600 HSA members, but health employers have agreed to exchange most contract proposals when bargaining resumes today in Burnaby. Download full text as PDF

Employers are choking off pay rates above what the collective agreement says and firing up the rumour mill as community social services contract talks are set to begin. Download full text as PDF

Community social service workers say wages, benefits and strengthening resources for social services top their demands for a new contract. -We are serious about reaching an agreement that addresses all the issues, and hope that the employers are serious about wanting to reach a settlement," said Chris Mullen, Chief Spokesperson for the Union Bargaining Association (UBA). Download full text as...

In the lead up to provincial bargaining, policy discussions have begun with representatives from all health authorities plus Providence Health Care, Ministry of Health, Health Employers' Association of BC and the Nurses Bargaining Association (BC Nurses Union, Health Sciences Association and Union of Psychiatric Nurses). Participants include BCNU Council members representing nurses in each Health Authority and Providence as well...

On January 23, HSA members will head to the polls to elect a new federal government. The Members of Parliament we elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide. HSA urges members to examine the positions of the parties on these issues, and to vote for candidates who will support...

Labour Arbitrator Donald Munroe has ruled that regular part-time employees covered by the Paramedical Professional collective agreement in the Interior Health Authority (IHA) are entitled to sick leave for shifts scheduled outside their regular part-time schedule.HSA filed a grievance in February 2005 after the IHA issued a directive saying regular part time employees who missed shifts outside their regular schedule...

The HSA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Maureen Headley as Executive Director ... Legal.Headley will oversee services to members, including Labour Relations Board and arbitration matters, Workers' Compensation Board claims, Occupational Health and Safety issues, Long Term Disability claims and Classifications matters.Headley has been a union-side labour lawyer in private practice for the past 13...