News & Updates

BL10069Delegates to HSAs Fall Regional Meetings will elect representatives to a bargaining proposal conference this winter for members covered by the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association contract.Any member covered by the PPBA contract may run for a delegate position. Members do not have to be a delegate to the regional meeting to put their names forward for consideration as a representative...

BL10067Labour Day is not just another holiday, and HSA is encouraging all members to remember the struggles of working people before us that have helped achieve things like the 40-hour work week, minimum wage, and protection from occupational hazards this weekend.In the Lower Mainland, the BC Federation of Labour is holding a Labour Day rally in support of locked-out Telus...

Members encouraged to get involved in upcoming municipal and federal elections With province-wide local elections on November 19th, and a federal election expected early in the New Year, HSA is once again offering a two-day, non-partisan campaign school to members who are planning to work on a campaign or run for office. HSA members worked on the recent provincial election...

The Report: August / September 2005 vol.26 num.4by CAROLE PEARSON sk most people what the fastest growing disease in the world is, and you would get a variety of responses. Douglas Wang Educator / Coordinator, chronic respiratory rehabilitation program Chilliwack General Hospital Douglas Wang knows the answer to that question, and he is working at Chilliwack General Hospital to help...

The Report: August / September 2005 vol.26 num.4 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN rowing old, losing our health, needing care, and facing death ... these end-of-life passages await us all. We all fear to be seen as a burden and hope to be treated with compassion and dignity. Luckily for many elders and their families, compassion and respect for dignity are abundant...

The Report: August / September 2005 vol.26 num.4 by SARAH OLEARY I have developed neck and shoulder pain that I feel sure is the result of the repetitive actions required by my work. I put in a claim to the WCB. I understand that they will be getting records from my doctor. Can they do that without my permission? The...

The Report: August / September 2005 vol.26 num.4 by CINDY STEWART his fall marks the concerted start of preparations for bargaining, as almost every HSA member’s collective agreements will be expiring next spring. Contracts for Paramedical Professionals, Nurses, Community Health and Community Social Services all expire at the end of March 2006. And those are not the only contracts that...

BL10062The HSA Committee for Equality and Social Action (CESA) is urging all HSA members to participate in this years Pride Parade on Sunday, July 31st in Vancouver's West End. This years theme is No Turning Back.The Pride Parade is an annual celebration for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people and their friends and allies.The Multi-Union Pride Committee will meet at...