News & Updates

URGENT QUESTION ABOUT COVID-19 RESPONSE AT YOUR WORKSITE? E-MAIL @email or call 1-604-549-5168. E-MAIL AND THE PHONE LINE ARE BEING MONITORED BY LABOUR RELATIONS EXPERTS 8:30 am to 5:00 pm MONDAY TO FRIDAY. B.C.’s health care system is on heightened alert to contain and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The BC Centre for Disease Control reports the...

As part of the new Nurses Bargaining Association 2019-2022 collective agreement, effective April 1, 2020, HSA registered psychiatric nurses are eligible for partial reimbursement of fees paid to the BC College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP). The rate of reimbursement has been set at $215 per member. To claim for partial reimbursement of your fees, pay your college fees to the...

Joe Sebastian will continue to represent HSA members in Region 4 on the union’s Board of Directors. Sebastian was re-elected to serve a two-year term, representing HSA members in Region 4 from several worksites, including Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond Hospital, and UBC Hospital.A medical radiation technologist, he was first elected to the union’s Board of Directors in April 2014, and...

COVID 19: UPDATE TO HSA MEMBERS The provincial medical health officer has provided regular briefings to BC’s health care unions about the developing situation worldwide related to COVID 19 (Novel Coronavirus). Information from the medical health officers is that Canada is dealing well with this virus. A provincial committee dedicated to coordinating a standardized response across the health authorities in...

Upcoming HSA Workshops and Trainings: Basic Steward Training Supervisors in the Union Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Basic Steward Training (3 days) Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of...

For Immediate Release Health Sciences Association of BC says today’s provincial budget makes important investments in health care and affordability measures, but professional shortages in the health care system require action. HSA represents more than 18,000 highly trained professionals working in medical imaging and lab testing, physiotherapy, social work, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, early childhood development, and many other health science...

Are you an HSA member with a passion for disability management and rehabilitation? Do you have strong organizational, multi-tasking, and problem-solving skills? Are you employed with the Provincial Health Services Authority? If so, consider putting in an application for an appointment as an Enhanced Disability Management Program (EDMP) regional representative. Under the direction of the HSA EDMP administrators, the HSA...

Mackenzie Counselling Services (MCS) employees voted 100 per cent in favour of joining HSA. HSA’s nine newest members work in reception, finance, counselling, supported child development, family support, and child and youth care roles. They serve the community of Mackenzie, a remote mill town located 185 km north of Prince George. MCS employees join a growing wave of mental health...

Mandi Ayers will return to represent HSA members in Region 10 on the HSA Board of Directors. Ayers was acclaimed after the deadline passed with no further nominations. A medical laboratory technologist at Haida Gwaii Hospital, Ayers has served on the Board of Directors since April 2014 and has been involved in HSA her entire working career. She has been...

Cherylee Hylands will return to represent HSA members in Region 8 on the HSA Board of Directors. Hylands was acclaimed after the deadline passed with no further nominations. Hylands is a cardiology technologist working at Penticton Regional Hospital and Kelowna General Hospital. She has served on the HSA Board of Directors since June 2018 and is currently a member of...