News & Updates

The Report: January/February 2009 vol.29 num.6 by REID JOHNSON s I told the 2008 convention delegates, since my election as president in 2007, I have heard members from around the province say that it was time for HSA to assess where we have come from, where we are, and where we are going into the future. There is little question...

The Report: January/February 2009 vol.29 num.6 by SUSANNE SHAW recurring theme among HSAs health science professionals who are pressed for time at work but who want to encourage new recruits into the professions to help ease the workload is that they just dont have the time to mentor students. To encourage -the best and the brightest to come work for...

The Report: January/February 2009 vol.29 num.6 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN danadas provincial and federal social programs are meant to provide a safety net, but there are always people who fall through the gaps ... often landing on rough ground. Thats where HSA member Aaron Wilson can help: as Community Coordinator for the Opportunities Fund at the Centre for Ability in vancouver...

The Report: January/February 2009 vol.29 num.6 The chief paramedical for our department has recently had to take some time off for illness. One of my colleagues was temporarily appointed to the chief position, and has been acting in that capacity ever since. He is doing a terrific job. However, I had also hoped to apply for the chief position one...

The Report: January/February 2009 vol.29 num.6 hen CBC news reporter David McKie was assigned to work on a story about the labour movements annual Day of mourning for injured workers held every April, he began to look into workplace injury statistics. What he found shocked him into action. He launched a three-year investigation into workplace safety in Canada, and discovered...

Employees at 10 Metro Vancouver locations of CML Healthcare, a private medical imaging and laboratory company with locations across Canada, have voted to join the Health Sciences Association of BC. The 120 employees join HSA members working at 12 CML facilities in Metro Vancouver and on Vancouver Island.-Employees at these CML locations came to HSA looking for support to ensure...

The following article is reprinted from the WorkSafe BC WorkSafe Magazine. HSA is actively involved in the provincial anti-violence committee, and is a partner in an anti-violence awareness campaign launched in Campbell River to reach communities in the Vancouver Island Health Authority region. By Helena Bryan Partnership working to protect nurses and other health care workers If youve visited an...

Thenext HSA Annual Convention will take place April 23-25, 2008 at the FairmontHotel Vancouver in Vancouver. AllHSA members are welcome to attend and speak at the convention. However, only delegates have the right tovote.Forchapters with 49 or fewer members, the HSA chief steward is the soledelegate. If the chief steward is notattending convention, an alternate should be identified. Chapters with...

HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2009 HSA Convention, to be held April 23, 24, & 25, 2009 at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. Conventions are where chapters from around the province determine the future direction of the union. Policies, actions, constitutional amendments, structural changes are all discussed and debated at convention. Members who have specific issues that they...

This year, Regional Director elections will take place in Regions 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9. All HSA members in these regions are encouraged to put their name forward for these important positions. Directors meet, on average, every six weeks and take an active leadership role in representing the union. They will receive wage replacement for the time they spend...