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The Report: April / May 2007 vol.28 num.2by CINDY STEWART t is with mixed emotions ... to say the least ... that I write my last column as HSA President.My first few years as president were challenging. It took time for me to really fully apreciate exactly what I had got myself into and realize the full scope of my...

The Report: April / May 2007 vol.28 num.2by JULIO TRUJILLO My partner and I are both HSA members covered by the Health Science Professional contract. Can an HSA member have -dual" dental coverage? That is, if my dental fees go over the limit of my own coverage, can the remainder be paid through my spouses dental plan coverage? No. This...

The Report: April / May 2007 vol.28 num.2 by YUKIE KURAHASHI The David Bland Memorial Award Ater years of complaints about incineration fumes and other air quality concerns in the laboratory, one of her colleagues was diagnosed with cancer. Then another. And another. And yet another. An alarming number of her colleagues were being diagnosed, all within months of each...

The Report: April / May 2007 vol.28 num.2 by CAROLE PEARSON n December 1999, Jennifer Tindale was a recent graduate from a radiation therapy program. At 21, she was active in sports, had a busy social life, plans to buy a new car, and to move into her place. Now, not even 30, she has been off work for six...

The Report: April / May 2007 vol.28 num.2 by MAUREEN HEADLEY his month, on April 28, Canadians will commemorate the Day of Mourning ... a day of remembrance for working people killed or injured on the job. In the Lower Mainland, the Vancouver and District Labour Council, New Westminster and District Labour Council and BC Federation of Labour will mark...

Date: Saturday, March 31, 8am Place: In front of the "Conversation on Health" forum Lonsdale Quay Hotel1123 Carrie Cates CourtNorth Vancouver View pdf

March 30-31 marks the elimination of federal-provincial childcare funding agreements by the Harper Conservatives. It also marks the closure of several childcare resource and referral centres in B.C. and the elimination of critical services to working families as a result of funding cuts by the Campbell Liberals. A childcare rally is planned for Vancouver Saturday, March 31: Gather at 11...

The Vancouver and District Labour Council education committee presents "Organizing: Despite the Law," a six-week discussion series for union and social activists beginning Thursday, April 12. Download the series information here.

OTTAWA ... -There is a small gift for everyone, its all over the place but there is no sense of priority and no sense of vision for the country in this budget," says Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, outlining two reasons why the budget fails the middle class that is the backbone of this country. -First, it...

Find out what's in the works for St. Paul's Hospital at a public meeting hosted by the Save St. Paul's Coalition, Council of Canadians, and B.C. Health Coalition. The meeting will feature Stuart Murray, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives researcher, Aaron Jasper of the Save St. Paul's Coalition, and Maryann Abbs of the B.C. Health Coalition. Sunday, April 1, 2...