News & Updates

A policy grievance arbitration over the unprecedented Influenza Control Program Policy introduced by the Health Employers' Association of BC (HEABC) last August will open tomorrow in Vancouver. In October 2012 the Health Sciences Association of BC, on behalf of the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), filed a policy grievance calling for the withdrawal of the province-wide flu shot policy...

Melissa Eden used her HSA bursary to complete a Bachelor and Science in Psychology THE REPORT: JULY 2013 " I completed my Bachelor of Science in Psychology last week and am now entering the work force. Thank you for your support it was appreciated and will be put to good use, :)" Melissa Eden is one of HSA's 2013 bursary...

THE REPORT: JULY 2013 Major corporations and their political allies in Canada are pushing for the type of "Right to Work" laws found in most of the poorest states in the US. Such laws make it harder for workers to form a union. They also allow workers in a unionized workplace to opt out of paying dues, while still being...

THE REPORT: JULY 2013 Jade Shultis didn't have to work too hard to find her career path. As a kid, she was fascinated by medical dramas on TV. "My parents thought I was a bit crazy – an 11-year-old watching Trauma: Life in the E.R.," she says with a laugh. By the time she graduated from high school, Shultis knew...

THE REPORT: JULY 2013 November 1 is the day new workplace rules regarding harassment and bullying come into effect in British Columbia. This is the second part of a change in workers' compensation legislation brought about with the introduction of Bill 14 in 2011. The first change dealt with the issue of compensation for mental disorders. Since July 1, 2012...

Fall 2013 Basic Steward Training Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these areas, HSA is offering a 3-day Basic Steward Training workshop at the HSA office this fall: Dates: November 25 – 27, 2013...

2013 OH&S Basic Steward Training HSA is offering the following 2-day OH&S steward training workshops at the HSA office: Basic OH&S Steward Training dates: Registration closes: October 17 & 18, 2013 October 2, 2013 October 28 & 29, 2013 October 14, 2013 Occupational health and safety issues are very important to HSA members, and OH&S stewards play a vital role...

THE REPORT: JULY 2013 Diligent work by an HSA steward has resulted in a cheque for several hundred dollars for at least one member. is someone you work with next? Val Barker, chief steward for Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, discovered some of the RPNs working there were paying dues to BCNU – not HSA. Barker first realized that...

Ottawa (21 June 2011) - The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is pleased to encourage all members to join with Aboriginal Peoples and Canadians across the country in celebrating National Aboriginal Day on June 21. National Aboriginal Day is marked each year on the same date to honour the achievements of Aboriginal Peoples in all areas, including...

IF MOM CAN'T AFFORD A WHEELCHAIR, SHOULD SHE JUST STAY IN BED? Imagine if you or your loved one were living in a care facility and were unable to get out of your room and go down the hall to the dining room because you can't afford to buy or rent a wheelchair. Fraser and Vancouver Coastal health authorities want...