News & Updates

The Report: June 2011 vol.32 num.2 HSA invited Andre Picard, health reporter for the Globe and Mail, to deliver a keynote address on the future of public health care in Canada. His speech touched on several recommendations for improving the system. Thank you for the kind introduction. But I recently changed my bio, courtesy of a politician who was angry...

The Report: June 2011 vol.32 num.2 What is an attendance promotion program? Employers are increasingly using programs intended to reduce the amount of money they lose on the sick days taken by their employees. These programs have been around for a long time, and while at first they consisted largely of individual meetings with employees who seemed to be using...

The Report: June 2011 vol.32 num.2 On the heels of a difficult ratification vote, HSA members from around the province gathered to do as theyve done for 40 years ... work together to meet the future challenges of an ever changing health care system. -OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS, we will be focusing on the future of our union. Where...

The Report: June 2011 vol.32 num.2 CHILD AND YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH CLINICIAN Colette Barker has two jobs. One is with adults; one is with children. One deals with parenting; the other with youth sexuality. Both fully engage Barkers passion for helping people whose needs are easily overlooked or misunderstood. For instance, there are persistent misconceptions about children with sexual behaviour...

The Silent Killer: Asbestos - It's in our homes, our schools, our hospitals - our lives. Date: Thursday, June 16, 2011 Time: 7:00pm Place: Fifth Avenue Cinemas, 2110 Burrard Street, Vancouver Tickets: Open Seating - Admission by donation to Toxic Free Canada For more information, please contact Nina Hansen at 604.430.1421 or email @email Printer-friendly poster.

In recent weeks, many BC communities have experienced flood warnings or evacuation orders. What are your rights in the event of flooding? Q: I work at a hospital that is subject to flooding if the river rises too high. My manager has told me that in the event of a flood, I may be relocated for my job. Can my...

Vernon Morning Star Overcrowding at a hospital has potentially fatal consequences. It's not just a matter of discomfort and indignity. Health professionals are raising the alarm because we need to care for all patients thoroughly and quickly. But when a hospital is regularly forced to admit up to 29 per cent more patients than capacity - 44 more than the...

Beginning May 31, HSA is conducting a phone survey of members in communities around the province. The survey, which focuses on HSAs communications tools and practices, will be conducted by Viewpoints Research. Callers will contact members at random until 600 interviews are completed. Be assured that members will not be called during Canucks games! If you are called, please agree...

Unions call on B.C. government and employers to protect community jobs and services Frontline community social services workers across British Columbia have given their bargaining committees a strike mandate of 85% in Community Living and 77% in General Services. The vote follows more than 18 months of protracted contract talks that broke down on March 30. HSA spokesperson Josef Rieder...

Four candidates have been nominated to run for Regional Director in Region 8. A by-election was called following the resignation of Joan Magee as Region 8 Director. The new Director will serve the remainder of Magees 2-year term, ending at the conclusion of HSAs 2012 convention. The 4 candidates seeking election are: Cherylee Hale, Cardiology Technologist at Kelowna General Hospital...