News & Updates

The Health Sciences Association of BC, the union that represents more 15,000 health science professionals who deliver the diagnostic, clinical and rehabilitation services in BCs hospitals and communities, is sounding the alarm about the provincial governments broken promise to protect health care services. In an intensive province-wide radio campaign, HSA blows the whistle on the cuts to health services...

In early November, the Fraser Health Authority announced a series of cuts impacting HSA members including social workers, registered psychiatric nurses and youth care counsellors. HSA has responded by presenting a variety of options to Fraser Health intended to minimize the effect of displacements on HSA members. To date HSA and Fraser Health have been unable to reach an agreement...

HSA invites its Fraser Health Authority members affected by the cuts and their stewards to attend special meetings to discuss the cut backs to social workers, registered psychiatric nurses and youth care counsellors. These meetings are an opportunity to get accurate information on your collective agreement rights from the union's labour relations specialists.HSA also encourages members to access the Fraser...

Vancouver Sun Re: Public sector unions should push for more private involvement, Nov. 17 Let's be clear about what privatized health care is about. It has nothing to do with universal access. It is a method of generating enormous profits from your illness or injury -- no more, no less. Dr. Brian Day, author of the Issues & Ideas piece...

(Vancouver) Today, Madame Justice Smith announced her ruling to allow the BC Health Coalition and their pro-medicare partners to participate as intervenors in the pivotal B.C. Supreme Court case launched by Dr. Brian Day and a consortium of private for-profit clinics against the B.C. Medical Services Commission and the provincial government. The group of private for-profit clinics are seeking to...

No more cuts and broken promises! Join representatives from across Vancouver Island to deliver their messages to Kevin Falcon & Gordon Campbell: It's time to protect public health care, not destroy it! Date:Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Time:12:00 Noon Location:Front Lawn of the BC Legislature, Victoria Buses leaving from Campbell River, Port Alberni, Parksville & Nanaimo -- to book your seat...

(This information applies to HSA members of the Community Social Services Bargaining Association.)On April 2, 2009, the constituent unions of the CSSBA entered into a Settlement Agreement with the Provincial Government to resolve litigation related to the Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act (Bill 29). HSA and the other unions made professional development a priority. As a result, the...

Despite a province-wide protest by parents against the elimination of specialized treatment for severely autistic children, 43 therapists were issued lay-off notice Friday at Queen Alexandra Centre for Children on Vancouver Island. The therapists are members of the Health Sciences Association of BC, the union that represents 16,000 health science professionals including autism intervention specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech language...

December 6 this year marks the 20th anniversary of the 1989 Montréal massacre of 14 young women at the École Polytechnique. Violence against women is still pervasive, and is rooted in social inequality. HSA members working in transition houses all across BC tell us that violence against women occurs at home and at work. Women living in violent situations often...

Following this afternoons budget cut announcement by Fraser Health Authority, HSA began to receive reports from members and stewards that local managers were attempting to engage individual departments and members in discussions to make staffing cut decisions in certain departments. HSA has advised Fraser Health Authority to halt the meetings, and to instead meet with the union to engage in...