News & Updates

HSA President Reid Johnson will join concerned families at a rally to save services for children in Kelowna Sunday, Oct. 18. Date: Sunday, October 18 Time: 11 a.m.Place: Kerry Park (The Sails) Downtown KelownaFor information about how to get involved, contact @email Download rally poster here

Golden Star HSA's Run for the Cure team in Golden was the proud recipient of this year's team challenge award in that community's Run for the Cure. HSA is a platinum sponsor of the CIBC Run for the Cure and is the Union that represents over 120 health care professionals in the province. These health care professionals include the Mammographers...

Labour Relations Board rules USW pickets cant block workers or patients Members of United Steel Workers (Local 2009) are fighting for a fair collective agreement with Compass Canada. The members are amongst the lowest paid workers in the health sector, and are fighting for equality with other workers doing the same work. In September, the Labour Relations Board ruled that...

Union Affiliates and Labour Council Leadership, please forward to your Health and Safety Activists. Download PDF

Vancouver Sun HSA President Reid Johnson, who is the Chair of the BC and Yukon Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's working group on Health Human Resources for the 2020 Task Force on breast cancer, was among the featured experts in the recent Vancouver Sun special section on breast cancer.

The October 18, 1929 decision in the -Persons Case" held that Canadian women were -persons" under the law, and thus could be appointed to the Senate and established more generally that Canadian women had the same rights as Canadian men with respect to positions of political power. To mark the 80th anniversary of the Persons decision, the Canadian Women Voters...

The Report: October / November 2009 vol.30 num.4 Appeal ruling recognizes condition affecting people exposed to workplace chemicals LENORE WAS SHOPPING AT RONA with her husband when it happened. She cant remember the details, but she blacked out completely, and later was found wandering around in a confused state. Staff paged her husband to come help her. Lenore (not her...

VACCINATION. As The Report goes to press, H1N1 vaccination is expected to begin mid to late November, but this could change so please look for updates on the web site. HSA encourages all members to get the vaccine unless there is a medical concern. If that\s the case, employees need to get appropriate documentation to present to employers, because...

0 The Report: October / November 2009 vol.30 num.4 LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST KELLY LEWIS STOOD UP FOR PATIENT CARE IN ALBERTA by LAURA BUSHEIKIN HSA MEMBER KELLY LEWIS has no hesitation about describing herself as a -squawker." In fact, shes proud to be someone who speaks out when she sees an injustice. -If I think somethings not right, Ill stand up...

The Report: October / November 2009 vol.30 num.4 CYTOGENETIC TECHNOLOGIST CHRISTINE HAESSIG by LAURA BUSHEIKIN -THE VERY FIRST TIME I looked down a microscope I was immediately very interested," says HSA member Christine Haessig. -From an early age, I always knew I was going to go to university and have a career in the scientific field." If that microscope could...