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The Report: April 2009 vol.30 num.1 I work in a transition house in a very small community. One of our clients has a partner who was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He is now out on bail. He followed my co-worker to the local grocery store and said that if the client did not drop the assault charges...

The Report: April 2009 vol.30 num.1 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN fter more than 25 years as a registered psychiatric nurse, Val Barker is not shy about pointing out that her profession hasnt always got the respect it deserved. But shes even more keen to explain that things have improved for RPNs over the years ... thanks in part to decisive representation...

user The Report: April 2009 vol.30 num.1 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN he words Northern British Columbia conjure up images of vast, sparsely populated landscapes; long harsh winters of ice, snow, cold, and howling winds; isolated communities with few amenities; tough, self-reliant people; and a strong First Nations presence. For Sarah Moreau, a social worker at Prince George Regional Hospital (PGRH), these...

The Report: April 2009 vol.30 num.1 by REID JOHNSON ount me in. Three simple words that express the need to get involved. And the three simple words that the BC Federation of Labour has chosen as its slogan for an intensive campaign to encourage union members to get involved in this springs provincial election campaign. Whether its the 25,000 jobs...

HSA is one of several unions, community organizations, churches and others endorsing this weekend's Grand March For Housing organized by the Citywide Housing Coalition. March participants will send a message to candidates in the upcoming provincial election that ending homelessness is a key to developing healthy communities. Join the march this Saturday, April 4 at one of these starting points...

Ambulance paramedics across B.C. will be in a legal strike position effective Wednesday, April 1, 2009. The members of CUPE 873 are going on strike to support their position at the bargaining table that would lead to wage equity with other emergency service workers. As part of the paramedics job action, picket lines may be erected at facilities where HSA...

August 11 ... 15, 2009University of California, at Los Angeles The 28th Annual Western Regional Summer Institute on Union Women will be held August 11-15, 2009, at the University of California, Los Angeles. The five day residential program brings together 150 participants from the United States' and Canada's western regions for exciting workshops and speakers on the history, struggles, and...

The campaign to raise awareness of the importance of community-based social services is being supported by municipal councils across BC. To date, 31 city councils have passed resolutions declaring March as Community Social Services Awareness Month, following presentations by local workers in the sector. Related events include -The Value of Community Social Services" public forums in Kamloops on March 19...

Although all working people report they are suffering from more stress related to balancing responsibilities at work and at home, the greater burden is falling on women. Statistics reveal that women bear the brunt of duties associated with child care, are the primary caregivers for the elder care of aging parents and are responsible for the majority of household chores...

March 9, 2009 OHSAH is pleased to announce that it will be moving forward with the development of the OHSAH Learning Portal, which will provide BC's healthcare stakeholders with access to a centralized repository of healthcare occupational health and safety (OHS) education and training resources. Two of the primary goals of the Learning Portal are to reduce duplication and increase...