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The Report: July / August 2004 vol.25 num.4 by CAROLE PEARSON rigid Kemp is proof that education is a life-long journey. Her early experience with education, as a child growing up in Edinburgh, Scotland, was the kind that drives people away from a love of learning. Corporal punishment was readily meted out. And she got her share. Brigid Kemp Older...

The Report: July / August 2004 vol.25 num.4 by LEANNE M. WALSH I heard that there is a recent court case about discrimination against employees based on "family status." What are the issues? Why is this court case important? HSA recently won this precedent-setting case argued in the BC Court of Appeal by HSA's legal staff on behalf of an...

The Report: July / August 2004 vol.25 num.4 by CINDY STEWART ith the federal election behind us, the election of a minority Liberal government produces an interesting dynamic - one that presents a wonderful opportunity for HSA members to ensure issues important to you remain front and centre. During the election campaign, all the parties acknowledged that health care is...

The Report: July / August 2004 vol.25 num.4 by CAROL RIVIERE SA activists and occupational health and safety stewards recently attended a one-day workshop at HSA's office, to prepare to go back to their communities to fight against the provincial Liberals' program of ongoing cuts to workers' compensation benefits, and workplace health and safety. The workshop began with a review...

The Report: July / August 2004 vol.25 num.4 by CAROL RIVIERE ecognizing the significant impact that government decisions have on members' working conditions, HSA's 2003 convention passed a resolution adding the function of lobbying to the mandate of HSA's political action committee (PAC). HSA's Board of Directors subsequently approved a PAC recommendation that the Committee carry out this mandate, in...

BL9987HSA has scored a significant victory for Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association members who have been denied on-call pay when they were called back to work.Under the collective agreement, members receive premium pay for the hours they are scheduled on call. The current rate is $3 an hour for the first 72 hours in a month, and $4.25 per hour for...

PARAMEDICAL PROFESSIONAL BARGAINING ASSOCIATION Bargaining Update #8 PDF Version ( Adobe Acrobat required)The Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association (PPBA) and Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) have scheduled a series of dates for discussion on the key issues identified in the Framework Agreement signed June 10. The following dates for negotiations have been scheduled: June 22 and 23July 6, 7, and...

PARAMEDICAL PROFESSIONAL BARGAINING ASSOCIATIONBargaining Update #7 PDF Version ( Adobe Acrobat required)The Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association has reached a framework agreement with HEABC that will remove the employers' concession demands from the bargaining table and create a climate for constructive negotiation of a number of contract issues, including posting and bumping language, hours of work and recruitment and retention.Under the...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Information: Miriam Sobrino Communications Officer604 439 0994 office / 604 328 2886 cellThen Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association (PPBA), which represents health science professionals working in BC's health care system, has reached a framework agreement with HEABC. Health science professionals deliver the clinical, diagnostic and rehabilitation services in the public health care system in B.C.Under the terms of...