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The Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association (PPBA), which represents health science professionals working in BC's health care system, has reached a framework agreement with HEABC. Health science professionals deliver the clinical, diagnostic and rehabilitation services in the public health care system in B.C.Under the terms of the framework agreement, there will be no net increase to wages and benefits for the...

Deal would give private labs exclusive access to out-patient lab testing and divert millions in savings back to doctor-controlled fundHealth science professionals who work in BC's hospital labs are calling on the Campbell government to end secret negotiations with the BC Medical Association over the issue of lab reform.The Health Sciences Association of BC has learned that the government and...

The Report: June 2004 vol.25 num.3 by CAROLE PEARSON armela Vezza is a good person to have on your side. “I realized quite young,” she says, “that in order for people to get services they needed they had to have an advocate, somebody who could dig around and find out what was available and pursue it. I realized I was...

The Report: June 2004 vol.25 num.3 by BRUCE WILKINS A recent reorganization in my department has compounded what was already an acute workload problem. My coworkers are all on the verge of burnout. What should we do? As the demands on HSA members become greater due to staffing shortages and government cutbacks, the issue of workload has come to be...

The Report: June 2004 vol.25 num.3 by CINDY STEWART ith less than a year left in the Liberal government’s mandate, we have come through a very turbulent period in labour relations in British Columbia. It started three years ago when the government legislated health science professionals back to work and then imposed a contract on HSA members. It continued with...

The Report: June 2004 vol.25 num.3 record number of members attended HSA’s 33rd annual convention, held April 23 and 24 in Burnaby. Delegates spent two days listening to reports and guest speakers, and vigorously debating resolutions to help determine the union’s course of action over the next year. Delegates spoke passionately about the devastating effects of the provincial Liberals’ cuts...

The Nurses' Bargaining Association has reached a Framework Agreement with the Health Employers Association of BC, which stipulates how bargaining discussions will be conducted this summer. Aimed at bringing stability to BCs health sector, the agreement states that there will be no rollbacks in nurses' hourly rates, benefits or time off provisions and that there will be no increase in...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Miriam Sobrino Director Strategic Communications& Member Development604 439 0994 office604 328 2886 cellThe Health Sciences Association, the union representing 12,000 health science professionals who provide the diagnostic, clinical and rehabilitation services in the public health care system, welcomed the deal hammered out over the weekend to force the government to step back from its attack on...

The Health Sciences Association, the union representing 12,000 health science professionals who provide the diagnostic, clinical and rehabilitation services in the public health care system, welcomed the deal hammered out over the weekend to force the government to step back from its attack on health support workers."It has been a very tense weekend as British Columbians' support for health support...