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The Report: July / August 2001 vol.22 num.3 by CINDY STEWART May 16 marked the end of a political era as British Columbians elected 77 Liberals and two New Democrats to represent them in the BC Legislature. It is an astounding mandate and one that we will watch with a mixture of uncertainty, trepidation and, quite frankly, curiosity – as...

The Report: July / August 2001 vol.22 num.3 by CAROL RIVIERE Adverse health effects from exposure to perfumes and fragranced products are becoming more frequent, both in and out of the workplace. Adverse reaction to fragrances include irritation of the upper and lower respiratory system (including asthmatic reactions), dermatitis, migraines, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, and in extreme cases, anaphylactic reactions. In...

The Report: July / August 2001 vol.22 num.3 HSA’s 30th annual convention held April 6 and 7 celebrated the contributions members continue to make every day to the health of their communities. Almost 300 delegates from around the province were on hand for debates around resolutions on diverse issues. Delegates also strengthened networks to tackle the work to be done...

The Report: July / August 2001 vol.22 num.3 HSA members at the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Table and the Nursing Bargaining Table have been legislated back to work – but the fight is far from over. HSA President Cindy Stewart, speaking on behalf of the health science professionals covered by the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association contract, said it best at a...

"The Health Employers Association has refused to return to the bargaining table prepared to negotiate," Rick Lampshire, Chief Negotiator for the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association, charged today.Lampshire said the five unions representing about 14,000 health science professionals heard from special mediator Stephen Kelleher that the HEABC has no change to the offer that resulted in bargaining breaking down May 9th."The...

I want to start by thanking all the HSA members and the other union members of the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association for the determination they have shown today in response to the heavy-handed legislation passed early this morning.It has been a very difficult day• for the union, and for all of our members.Employers have been threatening our members and our...

Health science professionals walked off the job province-wide today and will provide essential services only to protest the government's plan to end job action in health care."This proposed legislation is heavy-handed and curtails collective bargaining rights," HSA President Cindy Stewart said today outside Burnaby Hospital, where she joined health science professionals at the union's strike headquarters."Our members are furious. The...

Cindy Stewart, President of the Health Sciences Association (HSA), announced today the 14,000 health science professionals represented by the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association will escalate their strike action next week."The new government has now had two weeks to consider the situation. They've certainly had time enough to send a clear message to the employer that a wage offer that values...

Health science professionals will continue to highlight their value to the provinces health care system with walk-outs next week targeting the diagnostic, clinical and rehabilitation professions represented by the health science unions.Health Sciences Association president Cindy Stewart said this weeks strike action has served to highlight the value of health science professionals in the health care system."After the first two...

Cindy Stewart, President of the Health Sciences Association (HSA), launched escalating job action by health science professionals today by highlighting shortages in the diagnostic, clinical and rehabilitation professions covered by the Paramedical Professional Bargaining Association."Health science professionals are off the job today to highlight the work they do that makes them essential to the health of British Columbians. They're off...