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The Report: September 1998 vol.19 num.2 HSA members at Paragon Orthotics in Victoria have ratified a newcollective agreement ending a bitter eight-day labour dispute that saw the employer, Dr.Glenn Cornwell, make several attempts to intimidate workers. Despite difficultnegotiations, HSA members achieved a deal that reflects the significant contribution theyhave made to the companys success. In the end, Dr. Cornwells tactics...

The Report: September 1998 vol.19 num.2 The Vancouver/Richmond Health Board knows the value of front-line careproviders. Human resources issues were identified as a key factor in the review of acuteand rehabilitation services (ROARS), which was adopted by the health board at their Julymeeting. The review began in June 1997 and was designed to identify changeswhich could be achieved over the...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 by RACHEL NOTLEY I am an x-ray technologist at a large hospital and work primarily out of the emergency department. Recently, the hospital cut back on portering staff. The problem arises when I have to transfer a patient from a stretcher to the examination table. While we are told not to do...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 Breast cancer is a serious illness that takes many lives, and HSAmembers treat the issue with the attention it deserves - so much so that for the secondyear running, delegates to the annual convention voted to spend $20,000 in union funds topromote the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundations Run for the Cure. The...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 More than 250 delegates packed HSAs 27th Annual Convention May28-30, making it the largest on record and demonstrating the continued growth of theunion. Many were attending for the first time, representing workers in thehealth and social service sectors, and reflecting the unions successful organizingefforts. "From the new cancer centre in Kelowna to...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 by DAN KEETON Raj Dhillon is what you might call the quintessential trade unionactivist, taking a leading role in two of the three unions in which he holds memberships. As an HSA member, Raj cares for people with severe mental and physicalhandicaps at Archway, a group home run by Peace Arch Community...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 Effective January 1, 1998, Municipal Pension Plan members will bevested for all pensionable service ("fully vested") with two years ofcontributory service or five years of continuous employment, whichever comes first. Theywill be locked-in for post-1992 service only. This means, if a member is employed on or after January 1, 1998, themember is...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 HSA members from CSSEA facilities held their first-ever bargainingproposal conference May 6 and 7 in Vancouver. The conference provided an opportunity forHSA members who work in the community social services sector to compare wage and benefitprovisions and develop proposals for group bargaining. "Weve had joint conferences for child development centresbefore but never...

The Report: July / August 1998 vol.19 num.1 A major hurdle at the paramedical professional bargainingtable is the issue of levelling. For months, members of the bargaining committee have beentrying to get the employer to address levelling issues left over from the 1996negotiations. "Its critical that the employer address the issue oflevelling in a meaningful way so we can move...

The Report: May / June 1998 vol.18 num.8 by DAN KEETON Okay, heres a test. How fast can you say histotechnologist? Forthat matter, do you know what it is? Its a health sciences profession, of course, and it involves thetesting of human tissue for signs of disease. Its also a word that has an aura ofaccomplishment and pride about it...