News & Updates

HSA’s Women’s Committee is pleased to offer an opportunity to celebrate International Women’s Day by providing a two- day education workshop on March 8 and 9, 2018. The education workshop, to be held at the union office in New Westminster, will focus on training for women to support increased participation in leadership roles at all levels within HSA, the labour...

New Island Health travel reimbursement policy violates HSPBA contract Policy raises barriers to reimbursement of work-related expenses HSA has filed a policy grievance with Island Health Authority for introducing a policy related to travel expenses that violates the collective agreement. IHA has updated its 2006 Travel policy for staff who are required to travel and/or use personal vehicles for work...

The savings resulting from the 50 per cent reduction in Medical Services Plan premiums introduced by the BC government January 1, 2018 must be directed to employees, says Jeanne Meyers, HSA’s Executive Director of Legal and Labour Relations. Under the HSPBA collective agreement, employers pay 100 per cent of MSP benefits, representing a benefit negotiated on behalf of members. “Savings...

CoDevelopment Canada (CoDev), a BC-based non-governmental organization working for social change in the Americas, is inviting interested HSA members to travel with a learning delegation to Guatemala in March 2018 to meet with some of CoDev’s partner organizations supporting women in Guatemala, who face enormous economic and social challenges. The ten-day delegation is scheduled for March 17 to 26. Participants...

Health Sciences Association of BC (HSABC) has partnered with the British Columbia Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) to offer an Addiction Social Work Fellowship. As the leading union in providing multidisciplinary care services for British Columbians living with mental health and substance use challenges, HSA is committed to the professional development of health science professionals working in the field. "The...

2018 HSA OH&S Conference Save the Date! Hello all HSA Stewards, EDMP reps, and JOHS Committee reps! The OH&S Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver on June 4 and 5, 2018. The Conference is open to any member representing HSA members on a Joint Health and Safety Committee, OH&S Stewards and Alternates and EDMP Representatives...

Becoming a male ally for gender equity HSA’s Education Committee is pleased to offer a new workshop examining ways for men in the union to play an active role in supporting gender equity. Understanding power, privilege, and oppression is critical to fighting for equity, especially when one is part of a dominant group as the work is different based on...

HSA members will soon be preparing for the 2018 HSA Convention, to be held April 27 and 28, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Vancouver. Convention is the union's annual meeting where chapter representatives from around the province determine the union's future direction. The union’s policies, actions and structure are all discussed, debated, and voted on at convention. Any...

Nominations Now Open for HSA Board of Director Elections Nominations are now open for regional director elections in Regions 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. This is an excellent opportunity for members to contribute to the leadership of the union and to represent the interest of other members. HSA’s Board of Directors is comprised of 10 regional directors elected by...

Social Justice Day – a one-day workshop DATE: Monday, February 19, 2018 TIME: 8:30am – 4:30pm PLACE: HSA Head Office - 180 East Columbia St. New Westminster, BC HSA’s CESA Committee is pleased to host this event and invites members to register. There they will hear information on ongoing environmental justice campaigns with sister organizations and will be provided a...