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Nadeem Zia (centre, blue tie) HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JULY 2016 Surrey Memorial Hospital pharmacist Nadeem Zia was recently invited as a guest speaker to the 19th International Pharmacy Conference and Exhibition in Lahore, Pakistan. “I was very interested to go so I started planning the overseas trip,” said Zia. “My first challenge was getting vacation time, and the second was...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JULY 2016 Q: I have been following the recent announcement that our pension plan is making changes to retiree benefits in 2017 – including eliminating subsidies for dental coverage. As someone planning to retire in about 10 years, I’m wondering if I can count on benefits still being available when I retire. If not, I may have...

HSA has sent a letter of support to the US Association of Vascular and Interventional Radiographers, whose members are now threatened by policy changes that would allow nurses to perform their laboratory and imaging work. "As the union representing 75 unique health science professions here in BC, we know that these professions require extensive training and unique skills," writes Val...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE JULY 2016 BY VAL AVERY, PRESIDENT I am very proud of what we have achieved in the last 45 years. I am especially proud of what we have been able to achieve in these last few years. In the face of governments determined to squeeze our members for every penny, we have adapted, finding ways to achieve...

Printer-friendly version. The Supreme Court of Canada has found that two Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA) members and a Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU) member who contracted breast cancer while working in the laboratory at Mission Memorial Hospital are entitled to workers’ compensation coverage. Their employer, Fraser Health Authority, fought their claims for more than a decade. HSA President Val...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE JULY 2016 As HSA adapts to a changing world and chooses to be a stronger, more innovative union, the Local Leadership Training program will provide members with cutting-edge training and professional skills to improve HSA workplaces, protect our professions and build a stronger union. HSA members face increased pressure from governments and employers, attacks on our members'...

While yesterday's announcement of improvements to the Canada Pension Plan is being welcomed by Canadian unions, retirement security is still out of reach for many Canadians, and the labour movement will continue to stand for retired workers. See the Canadian Labour Congress' reaction to the news here:… For the perspective of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)...

Jas Giddha is justifiably proud of this bulletin board HSA REPORT MAGAZINE, JULY 2016 BY LAURA BUSHEIKIN "My goal is pretty simple: to make a positive difference in any way I can," says Jas Giddha, a medical radiation technologist at Surrey Memorial. This goal fuels Giddha's work, his HSA involvement, and his many other volunteer activities. In fact, Giddha has...

HSA REPORT MAGAZINE JULY 2016 The outcome of the May 2017 provincial election will have a huge impact on HSA members, and the patients and clients we serve. "HSA is a non-partisan union, and proudly so," says HSA President Val Avery. "But that doesn't mean we won't warn our members –or the public – about dangerous, short-sighted policies proposed by...

Printer-friendly version for posting. The Board of Directors of HSA is recommending that members vote “yes” in favour of the tentative agreement with West Coast Medical Imaging reached June 2. The union’s negotiating committee lead by negotiators Dani Demetlika and Gurleen Sahota, with members represented at the bargaining table by Union bargaining committee members Garry Finnerty and Fran Wagner from...