News & Updates

With flu season around the corner, HSA members are reminded of the provincial influenza control policy in effect in BC.In spite of changes in other provinces, the flu prevention policy in BC has not changed, and health care workers who choose not to be vaccinated have options available to them, including wearing a surgical mask.Health care workers must report their...

Starting with the first pay period after February 1, 2016, most HSA members can expect a pay hike of 0.45% over and above the 5.5% increase rolling out over the life of the current contract. This increase is the result of the Economic Stability Dividend, a feature of the current agreement which requires the government to increase negotiated wages as...

Elections will be held during the coming few weeks to select members to fill the following HSA positions for the coming year: 1. Chief Steward2. Assistant Chief Steward3. General Stewards4. Occupational Health & Safety Stewards and5. Labour Council Delegates (for chapters that are, or wish to become, affiliated to their local labour council). Stewards play an essential role within HSA...

An arbitrator has ordered employers to use a revised medical information form following a grievance filed by the union bargaining association that represents Community Social Services workers. The new information form offers a balance between an employee’s right to privacy and an employer’s right to information. Please read the full bulletin here. The new form can be downloaded here.

Last week, HSA launched a series of radio ads designed to promote the work of our diverse professions. The series of five ads, broadcasting on radio stations across the province for the next six weeks, demonstrate how our many professions connect to each other, and how we connect the public to modern health care. You can listen to the ads...

One of Canada's best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2016 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour oriented courses. To support HSA's ability to represent HSA members effectively and help build a stronger union, members can apply to take courses chosen to meet these objectives. For dates and course...

On Tuesday, HSA launched a new series of ads designed to promote the work of our diverse professions. The series of five ads, appearing on radio stations across the province for the next six weeks, demonstrate how our many professions connect to each other, and how we connect the public to modern health care. You can listen to the ads...

Last month over 50 RPNs from around BC came together for the RPN Summit on Workplace Violence at the HSA Head Office. Today, we’re releasing a video featuring HSA RPN members as they share their experiences with violence in the workplace. The day-long solutions oriented summit featured hands-on workshops and presentations on the Provincial Summit on Workplace Violence from...

HSA has contracted with Viewpoints Research to conduct a survey to find out more about how HSA members feel about how their union responds to concerns and communicates important information. A representative sample of members across the province will be selected randomly and contacted by telephone. Your feedback is important. Note that this is one of many opportunities allowing members...

On October 19, HSA members will help elect a new federal government. Members are encouraged to vote for candidates who support public services, and the people who deliver them. Many members have asked whether they get time off to vote. Election Day: Monday October 19 Voting times: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm (Pacific Time) 7:30 am - 7:30 pm (Mountain...