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The four unions representing 10,000 striking community social services workers have agreed to return to the bargaining table on Monday, May 17, 1999 in an effort to reach a contract settlement.The unions agreed to resume bargaining at the request of mediator/facilitator Don Munroe, who advised them that he has had extensive discussions with the unions and the employers' bargaining representative...

Over 1,000 angry community social services workers rallied in downtown Vancouver today, demanding the government make good on its promises to end wage and benefit discrimination against 10,000 workers in this sector."I am angry that after two months on the picket line, we're still waiting for the government to honour its commitment to the women and men who care for...

MEDIA ADVISORYStriking community social services workers, angry and frustrated at the government's continued refusal to end wage and benefit discrimination in the sector, will hold a noon-hour rally tomorrow, May 13, in Vancouver. The rally will be held:12 noonThursday, May 13, 1999Library Square (southwest corner at Homer and Robson)The rally comes in the wake of strong public statements by the...

The four unions representing 10,000 striking community social services workers are charging the employers' bargaining representatives with bargaining in bad faith for withholding costing information.The B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Hospital Employees' Union and Health Sciences Association filed an unfair labour practice complaint today with the Labour Relations Board against the Public Sector Employers'...

Striking community social services workers belonging to the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union and Health Sciences Association got a boost from their national union yesterday.The 320,000-member National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is putting its $5 million strike fund at the disposal of the striking workers, should they need it. The BCGEU and HSA are components of...

Workers at Fraserside Community Services will set up a picket line tomorrow (May 5) at the Ministry for Children and Families office at 237 E. Columbia Street in New Westminster, a worksite they share with the Ministry.Also tomorrow, community social services workers in Victoria will hold a rally outside the office of the Public Sector Employers' Council located at 468...

Unions representing striking community social services workers today called on Premier Glen Clark to follow through on the government's commitment to end wage and benefit discrimination against the workers."There seems to be a communications problem in Victoria," CUPE negotiator Bill Harper said at a strike co-ordination meeting in Burnaby today. "The government's commitment to equity is not being reflected at...

The Report: May / June 1999 vol.19 num.7 by JUDITH McCORMACK In BC, the law is clear on workers who have asubstance addiction: the employer must make every reasonable effort to accommodate aworkers disabilities by either allowing her to take time to get treatment for aproblem, or by providing some alternate form of employment at the worksite. For example, an...

The Report: May / June 1999 vol.19 num.7 by LYN BLENKINSOP Over the last three years it has been my very great privilege to have receivedHSA scholarships to train as a Union Counsellor. This has been one of the most valuableand rewarding experiences of my twenty-one years as an HSA member. The Union Counselling program is mainly taught at the...

The Report: May / June 1999 vol.19 num.7 by MARC LEE The recent provincial budget was, for many commentators, a real dog. After all,$890 million is an awfully big number for a late-1990s provincial deficit. But there isgood reason to step back and put the numbers in their proper context. Despite all of thebarking, the bite is not really that...