Community social services

Negotiations continue at the Health Science Professionals, Nursing, Community Health, and Community Social Services bargaining tables, but there is limited progress to report. Jeanne Meyers, Chief Negotiator for the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association and HSAs executive director of legal and labour relations, said all four bargaining tables in the health and community social services sectors report slow negotiations. In...

Community Social Services bargaining resumed for the week of April 30, with limited progress. The union bargaining committee ... the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) ... is continuing to make the case for a fair and reasonable deal at the bargaining table, including a wage increase. The committee is also pushing back on concessionary demands by the employer.The multi-union...

Following a month-long break the Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) ... returned to the negotiating table on April 16 for four days of contract talks with the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA). CSSBA reports that progress has been frustratingly slow. The bargaining committee is working hard to make the case for a fair and reasonable deal, including a...

More than 300 people braved the rain on March 31 to show their support for programs and services that support victims of violence, youth at risk, people with developmental disabilities, women in transition, immigrant families and many others. Victorias 4th Annual Walk for Community Social Services was the final event, wrapping up a month of activities aimed at promoting a...

On March 31, 2012, the Community Social Services Matter campaign is organizing a walk in Victoria in support of community social services, and to raise awareness about the vital role these services play in our communities. Details: Saturday, March 31, 2012Centennial Square, VictoriaStart Time: 11:00 amWrap up BBQ: 12 noon WILL YOU JOIN US?Community social services include everything from child...

The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) and the Community Social Services Employers Association (CSSEA) exchanged their opening proposals during the first round of contract talks, which began February 27.Over the course of the two week bargaining session, which concluded on March 16, unions and the employer laid the groundwork for future talks with a discussion of each partys issues...

A recent article in The Report contained incomplete information about tax deductions. The potential for deducting for LTD premiums only applies if you are on an accepted LTD claim. A member who is on an accepted LTD claim may be able to claim on their tax returns for LTD premiums they have previously paid. Whether they are eligible to do...

Bargaining bulletin #2 ... March 5, 2012 The Community Social Services Union Bargaining Association met with the employer last week (week of February 27 to March 2). The bargaining protocol was agreed and both parties exchanged the first bargaining proposals. Members have made it very clear that a fair deal is a priority, and the bargaining committee is committed to...

Frontline community social service workers and agencies help build safe, healthy, and caring communities across BC. During difficult periods, or when a crisis arises, community-based social services are available to help individuals and families deal with life's challenges.But chronic underfunding to BC's community social service agencies over the past decade has resulted in cuts to vital programs and services and...

Community social services workers are passionate about the people we support and the community-based services we provide. Thats why your bargaining association is asking all community social services members to wear the colour red to work on Monday (February 27), as the unions representing BCs 15,000 community social services workers return to the table to begin the next round of...