Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

WorkSafeBC has issued nine separate orders at two Victoria-area mental health facilities criticizing the failure of Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA) to protect the safety of staff. -This is a staggering number of WorkSafeBC orders issued against one employer," said HSA President Reid Johnson. Johnson, who has worked on psychiatric wards as a social worker, said unstable psychiatric patients are...

HSA is holding a 2-day, non-partisan election campaign school for members who are interested in working on election campaigns or running for political office. The school will discuss opportunities for HSA members to be involved in municipal elections scheduled for the fall of 2011, as well as a likely federal election and possible provincial election in 2011. If you want...

Join Libby Davies, MP and Don Davies, MP, for an important discussion. Thursday, January 20th: 7pm to 9pmMount Pleasant Neighbourhood House800 East Broadway @ Prince Albert, 1 block east of Fraser With special guest panelists: • Megan Leslie and Adrian Dix, Federal NDP and BC NDP Health Critics• Rachel Tutte, Co-Chair of the BC Health Coalition• Sylvia MacLeay, President of...

HSA members who work at CML Healthcare on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland have voted to accept a new contract providing significant gains. The ratification votes were held last week. For highlights of the agreement, see the November 23, 2010 bulletin. Printer-friendly version.

By Anne DavisHSA member and transition house workerThe call comes late at night. A woman is weeping; she says she has been beaten. Its not the first time and the attacks are more brutal each time. She is hurting and scared and doesnt know what to do. She thought her children were sleeping but now she knows the oldest child...

The Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and the Early Childhood Educators of BC is seeking participation in a survey on an Integrated System of Early Care and Learning in BC. The Emerging Plan for an Integrated System of Early Care and Learning in BC responds to the growing role ministries of education are playing in the early years...

BC Health Coalition Action Alert: Dear Friend of Medicare, This week, take a moment to call your MLA and tell them to scrap BCs user fee scheme for hospital care. During the Weeks of Action on Home and Community care, public health care supporters are meeting with decision-makers in dozens of BC ridings to demand a stop to hospital user...

BC Health Coalition Action Alert Dear Friend of Medicare, We're calling on you to join with public health care supporters in your community to demand quality and accessible health care for seniors and people with disabilities. As a part of the home and community care weeks of action this month, write a letter to your local papers and have your...

BC Health Coalition calls on province to reverse its directive requiring health authorities to charge fees to patients who need hospital care to recover from illness or injury The BC Health Coalition is concerned that core hospital services previously provided to patients free of charge as required by the Canada Health Act are now subject to so-called -convalescent care" fees...

The Health Sciences Association is adding the unions voice to concerns raised by a group of concerned advocates for community living services and supports. The group is asking for the circulation of a letter sent today to Jane Holland, BCs Advocate for Service Quality. It represents an unprecedented joint effort by community groups and organizations representing adults with developmental disabilities...