Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

Dear Friend of Medicare,Health care is a top-of-mind issue for all Canadians. Polls show that we want our universal public health care system Medicare - to be strengthened and protected, not privatized.The upcoming federal election is a great opportunity to bring our issues to the attention of candidates throughout the province.Do you want to connect with others in your community...

The B.C. Federation of Labour, Canadian Labour Congress and the Vancouver & District Labour Council invite you to pay tribute to workers who have been injured or killed on the job or died of an occupational disease. Poster and detailed information

Right wing governments are using the economic downturn to attack collective agreements and workers' right. The B.C. Federation of Labour stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters under attack by the Republican government of Wisconsin. The -Budget Repair Bill" adopted by the states House of Representatives includes draconian measures that eliminate fundamental rights of Wisconsin public employees, cut real...

HSA is joining with unions across British Columbia, Oregon and Washington at a rally to stand in solidarity with workers who are struggling to keep their right to collectively bargain. Saturday, April 2 2 p.m. Peace Arch State Park (United States) Please spread the word, a downloadable poster is available here: More details about transportation and rallying points will...

Advocates working to protect B.C.s universal public health care system are troubled by recent statements made by newly-appointed health minister Mike de Jong, hinting at a bigger role for theprivate sector in health care delivery.Speaking to media during his first day on the job, de Jong argued that patients do not care who owns the health care facility or employs...

Following the US election, the Republican right launched an all-out attack on trade union and collective bargaining rights. While other states have initiated anti-union legislation, Wisconsin has been the front-line of the assault, and a symbol of resistance to the conservative agenda. Canadian unions are joining in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the US, and this Monday night...

Two upcoming events in Vancouver: Public Health and Social Justice: Partners in Health reports on post-earthquake Haiti Date: Wednesday March 23, 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm Location: UBC: Room 200, Hennings Bldg, 6224 Agricultural Road, (across the Main Mall from the Student Union Building) Free admission. For more information: @email / @email 778-858-5179 Sponsored by the Terry Project, in collaboration...

March 8 marks the 100th Anniversary of International Womens Day. Just a generation ago, when our mothers entered the workforce, job postings still listed higher wages for men ... -mens rates" ... alongside lower -womens rates," for people working side by side, doing exactly the same job. While women have fought for and achieved many significant gains, the wage gap...

To mark the 100th anniversary of womens day, HSA is making available celebratory stickers ( click here to view sample). As the Canadian Labour Congress recently noted: Without question, Canadian women have made pension gains in recent decades. This is particularly true for women workers in the public sector, and women retirees with access to public pensions. Some think times...

Question ... what do the players of Super Bowl champs the Green Bay Packers have in common with Wisconsins teachers, social workers, nurses and state employees? Answer ... all are rising up in protest to the union-busting antics of Governor Scott Walker (for more see here). Walker has recently earned the nickname ‘Hosni for his announcement that he is planning...