Issues, Campaigns and Government Relations

The Health Sciences Association of BC (HSA) welcomes this weeks call by the Dietitians of Canada for British Columbia to adopt a comprehensive poverty reduction plan that includes an increase to the minimum wage. -As the Dietitians of Canada report The Cost of Eating in BC 2009 notes, too many British Columbians are living in poverty. Poverty is a key...

On December 1, World AIDS Day, the BC government cut funding for HIV / AIDS outreach and service organizations. If you disagree with the BC governments decision to cripple AIDS Vancouver and other community-based health organizations by cutting their funding, join with HSA members at the protest organized by Date: Friday, December 18 Place: Vancouver Art Gallery, North Plaza...

Saturday, December 12th ... Queen CharlotteWhat: Petition signing and food bank driveTime: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Where: City Centre Stores, 121 3rd Avenue, Queen Charlotte"Find out how can help fight for amublance services in rural BC, and donate to the community food bank. Week of December 14th, 2009 Tuesday, December 15th ... TerraceWhat: Information rallyTime: Noon ... 5pmWhere: Sparks Street...

December 6, 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of the Montréal massacre of 14 young women at the École Polytechnique. HSA encourages members to take part in vigils and ceremonies to reaffirm our commitment to ending violence against women.If you know of an event in your community that is not listed below, please contact Yukie Kurahashi at @email. Check HSAs website...

Today, as local and national governments around the world reaffirm their commitment to continue the fight against HIV and AIDS, BCs government is doing the opposite. Effective December 1 ... World AIDS Day ... BCs Ministry of Health is imposing funding cuts to community-based HIV and AIDS service organizations, including AIDS Vancouver.The Health Sciences Association (HSA) is the union that...

A recent global survey found that fifty per cent of educated youths admit they dont know enough about HIV and AIDS, according to AIESEC International, the worlds largest student organization.However, in the eight years since the United Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS was signed in 2001, HIV infections have been reduced by 17 per cent, according to the Joint United...

In early November, the Fraser Health Authority announced a series of cuts impacting HSA members including social workers, registered psychiatric nurses and youth care counsellors. HSA has responded by presenting a variety of options to Fraser Health intended to minimize the effect of displacements on HSA members. To date HSA and Fraser Health have been unable to reach an agreement...

HSA invites its Fraser Health Authority members affected by the cuts and their stewards to attend special meetings to discuss the cut backs to social workers, registered psychiatric nurses and youth care counsellors. These meetings are an opportunity to get accurate information on your collective agreement rights from the union's labour relations specialists.HSA also encourages members to access the Fraser...

(Vancouver) Today, Madame Justice Smith announced her ruling to allow the BC Health Coalition and their pro-medicare partners to participate as intervenors in the pivotal B.C. Supreme Court case launched by Dr. Brian Day and a consortium of private for-profit clinics against the B.C. Medical Services Commission and the provincial government. The group of private for-profit clinics are seeking to...

No more cuts and broken promises! Join representatives from across Vancouver Island to deliver their messages to Kevin Falcon & Gordon Campbell: It's time to protect public health care, not destroy it! Date:Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Time:12:00 Noon Location:Front Lawn of the BC Legislature, Victoria Buses leaving from Campbell River, Port Alberni, Parksville & Nanaimo -- to book your seat...